New Grower and plant problem


Active Member
I have a 3 week old plant that has yellowing and drying leave tips. I am not sure what the exact problem is.

Could you help me Pin-Point it ??

Thank You !!



Active Member
In order for someone to help you they're going to need more details. Type of soil, nutes, water type & schedule, lighting, avg. temp & humidity etc. A doctor cannot properly asses whats wrong with someone who is sick without knowing details about the patient. :wall:



Active Member
Ok hehe
The soil is "Enriched Potting Soil" 0.14-0.14-0.14
I am watering with Tap watter once every 2 days
I have not given nutes yet
Lighting is 20-ON 4-OFF
temp is 27-29 degres celcius


Well-Known Member
Watering to often once a week is Okay. Nutes everyother watering half strength to start. They need nitrogen so you need nutes ASAP!