new grower. all cfl.


Active Member
Very new to this. Im currently vegging 4 pl2011-09-13_12-19-05_128.jpg2011-09-13_12-18-56_429.jpgants. I just transplanted them the other day. I want to bud 3 next week in a new room im setting up. Veg room has 4 42w 6500k cfl. And 2 23w 2700k. What new cfls should I get for budding 3 ?

dank smoker420

Well-Known Member
how old are your plants?
if you wanna stay with cfls use the 2700k and you would want proabably like 8 23w for 3 plants maybe even more if you want


Active Member
well i got my plants from a foaf 3 weeks ago. they've grown about 3in since i got them. 3 of them are 1ft tall and 1 is 8in tall. im putting up alot of my flowering room tonight its about 8 ft long 38in tall and only 30in wide. i just need to decide how many sockets and bulbs to get for the new room. also should i stick to the mixed spectrum but mostly 2700k's for flowering? Do you know any cheap ways to lower your humidity?

dank smoker420

Well-Known Member
thats pretty cool
i plan on flowering with all 2700k
im a new grower also and i asked the same question about mixing it up and got no answer...
but i would probably stick to the safe side and use all 2700k for the right spectrum
thats a big tent or grow room i wish i had one like that i got a little 1'X1'X2' little box
i have no idea about lowering humidity sorry bout that


Well I had a all CFLgrow for a while but recently changed to HPS. Anyway To answer some questions. As far as mixing bulb spectrum yes. I say you should BUT in that I would say you need to have all veg bulbs in the for the veg cycle and then as it slowly starts to show sex then start to switch the bulbs to flower spectrum. But I had good results always keeping 1 or 2 veg bulbs in. I had a total of 8-12 bulbs on each plant in the end. Remember with cfls the more the better.

To hit on the humidity I would need to know if you are in soil? If you are The best way is to vent more air out and get air moving in and around them more. Soil plants get there humidity from the soil so the more you move the air in there the lower the it will get.

Im no pro grower or expert so take this knowledge for what it is. Like you I was there before as well If you want send me a private message with any other questions and i will help with what I can.


Active Member
Im growing in organic soil with about 10 20 percent pearlite. Basic nitrogen enriched soil. Im legal in upper Michigan but its terrible humidity here. Any tips? Looking better since transplant. Im looking at starting my bud room with 8 23w 2700k bulbs and 2 23w 6500k for 3 plants. Ill space them so bulbs help multiple plants. Ill add more lights $$$ permitting. Everything clean and I put up some white. Ill post pics .


Well-Known Member
Nice room. I'm sure you know already, but try to keep your lights within a few inches of your plants. This is even more important during flowering. I try to keep bulbs close to every bud site I have developing. I'm also using mixed spectrum lights. I keep more 2700k in the flowering stage and only leave a few 6500k.


Active Member
So my snow white looks a bit odd on top, it seems minor but id like to be ready for whatever. Any tips? Ideas? Also whats the cheapest hangable cfl sockets uve ever seen, and where? And im stumped on humidity.



Or you can just grow 12/12 from seed with all flower bulbs and not have to worry about anything. Just remember some strains don't like it. And it cuts out alot of confusion and the entire veg cycle. And if you don't have female seeds it will increase your odds of getting a female big time.


Well-Known Member
thats nice no none yet i just have some bag seeds i put under 3-4 days ago and nothing yet im really getting discouraged