New Grow!


Well-Known Member
Wud up im back....had 2 do some other things that been keeping me busy but still trying to get my grow on....i have 2 plants on like week 3 of 12/12...1 is a def female from some skunk bud i bough lil bit back and the other is a seed from a hermie plant i grew last attempt it appears to be female but just wanted to see if it turned hermie like everyone says it will.....ill post some pics later on tonight after lights come on at 8....still have both of them in my custom grow barrel.....the plant i grew fom my hermie plant looks like its on steroids compared to the bag seed 1 even though they are same gonna post pics tonite...when i do lemme know what u think......i never stopped growing i just stopped posting 4 a bit:joint:


Well-Known Member
Got a new cam......gonna have a cpl pics of my girls soon as the lights come on at 8....i threw 1 back into veg(the 1 from a hermie seed)which looks all female so far, so i can try my luck at cloning but the 1 i left in the barrel is starting to look good after 4 weeks of 12/12


Well-Known Member
plant 1 is the one from sum good skunk bud i bought and plant 2 is the one from a hermie plant i let mature last grow attempt that i put back in veg ...both appear to be pure female this time im happy.....i hope the i put back in veg starts groing again soon:confused:

plant 1:

plant 2:
