New grow room complete

SO, i finnished my new grow room
400 wat hps
2 intake fans 6"
2 outtake fans 6"

SO my question is two things whats the cheapest way to create a clone like house hold stuff i might have i dont want to spend any money at all\

And my temp in my room is about 21oc little over 70f is this good or should i get some more heat inside of the room

thanks who ever gives me advice ill + rep thanks


Well-Known Member
Agree with above. You can get cloning gels, powders,.Rooting compounds, etc. Look up Cloning... But in regard's to household items...Rubbing alcohol during the sterilizing part of cloning is the only thing besides the razor or Zacto knife u may use. I suggest saving up then start your grow...Because the clones u put in should be well rooted & healthy...To have a successful grow. Peace
I have root gel already i have super thrive too and revive im looking for a cheap do it your self basic tool and house hold items to use