New grow room, about to make the big purchase, advice please.

Hello everyone and thanks to the creators of RIU, hopefully I can do this for the first time, close to right but I know there will be a lot to learn, lol

So I have my grow room mostly built and ready to go, and I have to go out of town this weekend luckily they have quite a few hydroponics stores so I thought It would be better to buy all my equipment out of town, just in case any prying eyes were scoping out the local hydro shops, so Ill be in Houston, I’ve done my home work on the grow shops there, but if anyone has first hand recommendations I’m gladly listening.

So this post is for a few recommendations on equipment really anything anyone has to say on options would be awesome, I plan to spend some money and don’t mind getting higher-end equipment that will pay for itself in the long run, but also I don’t want to go overboard and buy items that are not needed or super overkill.

So a little about my grow room, I started with a 10’ x 10’ room that has a 2’ x 4.5’ closet and its own bathroom, yay!

I framed and walled out the room as follows:

  • 3.7’ x 10’ flower room with a 3’ opening for the door in the middle.
  • A 4’ x 4’ Veg room ( I could make this 4’ x 6’ very easy)
  • So left is a 6’ x 6’ area with the door to the bathroom (for easy water and drainage and the door to the closet.
  • The idea is to grow the MOMS in dirt, in the closet under CFL’s for cloning.
  • The clones would grow in the 6’ x 6’ area under T5’s the rest of the area would be for the hydro drums, supply’s and working or whatever else.
  • The veg room 4’ x ’4’ I was thing about Ebb & Gro setup like 10 sites under a 600w MH or 1000w MH or going 4’x6’ and using 2 600w MH.
  • The flower room 3.7’ x 10’ using a second Ebb & Gro setup like 20 site under 3 600w HPS lights.
  • Also in the flower room I have been thinking about using the last 2’ of the 10’ length to wall off and sound proof so I can install all the fans possibly inside that area to make anquite grow room, but I’m not sure about that yet???

Last part is that I have a 2500sf - 4 bedroom house and have taken precautions to make it as energy efficient as possible, its only a few years so the A/C and heat are really new I have changed every light bulb in the house (a lot of them) all to CFl’s or LED lighting.

I want the best lighting for my babies that they can have but would also like to not kill myself on e-bill or raise and suspicion, the good news is that since we moved in I have been using lots of light and whatever else so I could hopefully transition into growing and not increase the bill to much, I can only hope.

So as a new grower I need ideas on brands and models

  • Reflectors or cooltubes, size & venting 6” or 8”
  • Ballasts digital or standard, dual or single
  • Fans one for lights and one for exhaust or more
  • Carbon filters one big one for both rooms pulling through veg to flower or one for each room (I would like the room quite!)
  • Is Ebb & Gro good for that setup or should something else be considered?
  • What’s the best equipment to monitor water, PH , nutes with 2 hydro stations? I’m guessing that they need to be separate for veg and flower or am I wrong?

What about nutrients since I’m starting from scratch cost vs quality and so on?

In advance thank you all for your help to make my first grow much better than it could ever be with out this site and it’s members.


Well-Known Member
well man it sounds like your ready to fucking party, new to this myself but from what ive gathered the best light to use is obviously the High pressure sodium. the 2 common brands i see are sun systems and hydro farm. some people will argue that you should veg with a Metal Halide bulb and only flower with the HPS but i guess its preference. Personally when i buy my new lights im going to use both a mh and an hps. as far as carbon filters go i have no idea i made my own. Also everyone on here seems to recommend the Fox Farm brand products. I can personally say that i have a sprout that had fallen over in the cheap shitty soil i was using, i transplanted it into the fox farm ocean forest i had just purchased that day, which i also mixed with a bag of perlite...anyway i put the sprout in there and watered the shit out of it. Within 1 hour it was standing on its own and 4 days later it is still growing. so i purchased the FF nutrients as well, the Grow big and the Big of luck to you bud, sorry i couldnt help out more


Active Member
why a 10 site veg and a 20 site flower? where are the other 10 plants comming from to flower? but with all that i you def need cool tubes and i would go 8 in.


how many lights? i would go 8 in ducts for shuer though. the bigger the hood the hotter your room may get. and do use good soil, pests come from bad dirt. make shure to get a carbon filter for the square footage you will need
Good question, from what I have been reading about growing a perpetual crop was like 20 flowering 10 veg and the clones can't remember how many off hand but it says clone then move to veg them move to flower with the pots setup in groups then like every two weeks move a group from veg to flower and clones go to veg after a while you can start harvesting one group every two weeks or month (again can't remember this sec) or so. It's in book called the Marijuana Horticulture "The indoor/Outdoor Medical Growers Bible, by Jorge Cervantes. got it at my local head shop they said it was a really good book to follow. We'll see!!!

And to NewClosetGrower, thanks for the heads up, yeah Fox Farms I have read a bunch about and so far i'm with you sounds the best also I've been looking at Botanicare it sounds like it is a pretty good product.

why a 10 site veg and a 20 site flower? where are the other 10 plants comming from to flower? but with all that i you def need cool tubes and i would go 8 in.


Active Member
If you're trying to get a harvest every 2 weeks you should look at Al B's pound every two weeks thread in hydroponics. So im guess your going to fill 10 of the flower spaces..then half way through the first groups flower add in the second group? Sounds pretty good. And i think a 600 would be good for a veg room. i use a 600 watt in my 4x4 veg and it works great.