new grow. please comment. advice is nice too.


Well-Known Member
im growing in a rather small room about 2ft high by 3ft wide by 3ft long. i planted them friday the 13th.. ha. the pics below are about 3 days old. they're in peat pots with average soil. i think i over watered them but yea. lighting i have two 26 watt daylight cfls under two pots each. they're at 18 light 6 dark. and i water them everyday.. which i see is too much even though its get to almost 90F back there. i know its mad small but its just for a few weeks until i can get my metal cabinet which is a bout 6 feet high and 3 feet wide. and 3 feet deep. hopefully i can put some of these plants outside. but well see what happens. any advice or comments please feel free to leave one. peace. oh and ill be updating asap.



Well-Known Member
One week has come to end. it has now been a week since the babies poked out of the soil. here they are. i know its hot in there but i cant do much about it. enjoy :joint:

