New Grow Op Starting...Bathtub Grow, 400W HPS/MH, Need Advice!


Active Member
Okay, so in a sense I'm a newbie to growing. Ive had a few small, sucessful grows under my belt, mostly outdoors. I'm growing imdoors now and could use some advice.

Obviously, I want the most yield possible for my small grow area. Eventually I plan on turning the whole room into an SOG type grow after cloning my mother plant bit for now let's stick to from seed.

P.S. If people are actually interested i will post pics of the set-up/grow as i progress!

1. What type of strain would grow best in this environment? ( i know, i know..impossible question, but if youve had luck with a potent, high yielding strain thats hopefully quick to flower with good bag appeal..let me know. I'm always up for more research.

2. How many nice sized plants could grow healthily under my 400w hortilux, with the idea of maximizing yield in mind, in my bathtub, small bathroom area?

3. With however many plants you think, what would be the best method to use to maximize my yield, in my space? Ex: topping, supercropping, bending, combination? ( i know it can vary from strain to strain, but hopefully you answered question #1 and you can give me your opinion on strategy for that strain)

4. If you were to pick a breeder to buy your seed from, who would it be? Once again i know that people ask constantly but hell..i figured i'd throw it in there..maybe it will finalky lead me to that one strain after weeks of research! lay off :)

That's all for now. I know theres more, but im too high to remember, thanks a ton in advance for any help you can provide, it is greatly appreciated, please no bashing etc..If you have any questions to ask that may help you, feel free. God bless. :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
hey abrownmn, i am considering using a bathtub for my flowering room so i was interested to see how you do. i have 6 vegging in the bedroom area but i thought i would move them to into the bathtub in a search for darkness for flowering. good luck :peace:


Active Member
Thanks :) I figured with the super reflective white of the tub, shower and sliding door it would serve a perfect purpose for that as well as a large area for the medium. Should work good. I have a plant in there now that i took from outdoors before the frost. Shes been through a lot and is just a good bag seed so she doesn't look her best.


Well-Known Member
I grow in my bathtub I use a heavy thick pad of foam covered with mylar that i bought at Home Depot as a curtain and have my shower walls are lined with 2cm mylar.. I have two extra shower curtain poles I use to hang my lights from. I used CFL'S and it worked well. I just completed my first grow,(one plant) and it's still drying but I 'm estimating an oz to an 1 and /2oz. It was Vanilla Kush fem seed from Attitude. I'm going with three plants for this grow in a 45 sf space. Hope this helps.


Active Member
Thanks for the reply, I am planning on getting some mylar as soon as i decide who i am going to get my seed from. How is Attitudes discreteness?


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the reply, I am planning on getting some mylar as soon as i decide who i am going to get my seed from. How is Attitudes discreteness?
i have never ordered from attitude but i did order from nirvana and i was pleased. they were quck and much cheaper than attitude and was very discreet, i will def order from them again :peace:


Active Member
Just ordered Sannies Killing Fields strain. Claims to have a 70% blue/purple pheno. Pretty bomb looking stuff.