New Grow, New Questions.


Active Member
So, just started germinating a few seeds cause I has nothing better to do with my time. Did a grow, had a journal, lost camera, but harvest went well and I enjoyed the experience immensely. Looking forward to doing it again, but wanna do it differently this time.

I know the information is out there, and forgive me for being lazy, but I don't wanna hunt it down. I LOVE this site, love the community and know you guys are down to help :)

So I was just wondering a few things about 12/12 CFL grows. Is it 12/12 from seed, or would you want an 18/6 for a week or so to establish strong roots and then switch to a 12/12, or could you slowly ween from 18/6 into a 12/12 setting? I'd love to do a 12/12 early just because I'd like to keep the ladies short and bushy.

Anyway, just a general 12/12 CFL grow question thread I guess :) Hopefully I'll have a few answers before the seeds are finished germinating in a few days. Anything you can say would be great, but I don't need your negativity. I'm in it for the fun of it, and what ever weed I get is weed right :)


Well-Known Member
Hey, from my exp. it should be 18/6 for first 3 weeks, till sex is shown, then 12/12 to start the bud. Like I say 12/12 after 3 weeks, as long as ur under cfls, the roots will root better under cfl's than under any other light. HPS or metal halide, cfl's root better, thats why peeps use them for clones, but never on a 1212 it always 18/6 to root clones, or start from seed.
If you use 12/12 from seed, then its not really enough light to give it the best start. and its not optimising time to growth ratio.
Hope that helps and take it easy and have good 2nd grow,

Use 18/6 at least 2 weeks 4 or more is better but...anyway weening isn't nessesary jus a dramatic swich to 12/12. Keep ur lights very close ro your plants and hey when u post questions name your strain number of lights and grow room space it helps sooo much to lknow these things every detail matters from planting pot size to soil type...not tryin to b a dick jus sayin.. I like that your in it for fun but if your gana do somthing do it right its not worth the risk to grow 2 swag jointz if the feds get ya its ten years in prison ... happy farming kid.


Active Member
Ha, feds. Ur silly, Canada doesn't have feds, we have horse mounted lumber jacks with polar bears :)

Thanks guys, strain isn't relevant cause its bag seed, space is a dresser I hollowed out, lights is 3x42w CFL for now, more when I flower.

I know you don't HAVE to ween it down, but what would that do? I mean its not like the sun MAGICALLY starts a 12/12 cycle?

Ya man, dont worry about being a dick, if you were a douche, I'd douche back, thats how I roll. Basically I just say...discuss.


Well-Known Member
hey ,, yeah you could wean them down to 12/12 from 18/6 but in my view this prolongs the flower peiod.
Yeah in nature its not straight to 12/12, I think we do it straight to 12/12 because its easier,, think about it, if you start shaving 15mins off each day how long will it take to get to 12/12? Long time,
and , in nature it goes from day to night and then the nights are silghty longer,, 18/6, to then 16/8, to then 14/10, 12/12, then contiues, well it dose here in scotland, 9/13, and so on, so its darker for longer, so we keep them at 12/12 cause thats the most light the plant can take with out reverting to vegative grow, cause thats what'll happen if you do 13/11, so thats why its 12/12, if you see what I mean.?????
And I dont know if you do this but I give them roughly 24-26 hours of dark before the light come back on for the 12/12, this makes the plant think thats its winter and bud. I surrpose we are trying really to trick the plant while insuring that its gettin the most light while still budding.

Hope that helps,,,,


Well-Known Member
i 18/6'd mine for four weeks then straight to 12/12..or am i misunderstanding?? are they clones?


Active Member
Ya, no you guys are on the button, but I'm just kinda trying to think about random know, always on the cutting edge :P

Basically I was thinking from 18/6 to 12/12 is 6 hours..1 hour a day...7 days in a week, top it day 1 of week 3, ween it down to 12/12



Well-Known Member
the way i think about switching to 12/12 is like a trigger and the bullets are your plants flowering.BAM! flower time.. ive never weened..and what i did was 4 weeks of 186 and then 12 12 just like that...and its my 31st day of flowering so whoowhoo


Active Member
Ya, I did it like that the first time, just thinkin' outside the box :) Feel free to suggest different or crazy ideas you guys have had...remember its just bag seed in my dresser, so its not some mega important grow. Time to have some fun.


Active Member
A lot of reputable growers use a extended dark period (36-48hrs) to initiate flowering then follow it with the 12/12. Many say it certainly speeds up the process. All depends on what you want and how big you want it really bro... never seen an identical grow, everyone does something "their" way. Try everything you want gradually and you'll find your sweet spot.


Active Member
Ya, thats what I'm thinkin.

Whats best for seeds, starting them in dark period or light period?


Active Member
Germ in dark ...SOON AS ANY SIGN OF SPROUT......LIGHT....... D.Tea extended dark does nothing. I have many papers and experience to prove this.
D.tea asked about 12/12 grows... NOT ' O yeah I do that but give 18/6 for first 4 weeks to 6' that ain't a 12/12 grow thats a normal grow. Why can users answer the question asked, instead of departing useless info that was not asked for. From SEED you can do 12/12 straight away (strain permitting)....... but this is not going to be an efficient grow unless you are experienced.


Active Member
This guy gets it, I've never really thought extended dark would be beneficial. To me its sorta like if a human ate 3 cheeseburgers and sat on his ass for 2 days...he would have all that protein but not do anything with it. Well light is sorta like a plants protein so why would you let you plant eat a bunch but not use the energy.

But, ya. I'm just wondering if 1 week of 18/6 then to a 12/12 is gonna make a difference over a straight 12/12 grow?


Active Member
Germ in dark ...SOON AS ANY SIGN OF SPROUT......LIGHT....... D.Tea extended dark does nothing. I have many papers and experience to prove this.
D.tea asked about 12/12 grows... NOT ' O yeah I do that but give 18/6 for first 4 weeks to 6' that ain't a 12/12 grow thats a normal grow. Why can users answer the question asked, instead of departing useless info that was not asked for. From SEED you can do 12/12 straight away (strain permitting)....... but this is not going to be an efficient grow unless you are experienced.

What strain wouldn't permit a 12/12/ from seed? LoL link me to your papers that show an extended dark period doesn't accelerate flowering too while your at it... Guys like Jorges Cervantes write books on cultivating cannabis and recommend an extended dark period. Like I said in my post... he should try whatever he's interested in and go with what works for him like everyone else.

any veg time = bigger plant = more bud (assuming conditions are met)
12/12 = no veg = smaller plant = less bud

Not sure how many ways this question can be answered.


Active Member
You guys are all answering different questions, but any question needs an answer so why complain?

I'm prepping' box for plant tonight, so just in case my questions about when to plant seeds was confusing. I'm going to plant them and run them through a full light cycle right away. instead of say planting them during a dark cycle. OR would vice versa have a different effect?


Active Member

You obviously didn't read LOL....
I DID NOT say there's any strain that would NOT permit..... I also used the term Efficient.
I also never stated "extended dark period doesn't accelerate flowering" as you claim. Darkness past your 6 yes over 12 fruit will sometimers form faster but harvest same time mate. It's a bit like the people who buy the 1" cubes over the 1.5" cubes as they believe because they can see the roots faster they ROOTED FASTER. lololol.
Guy writes book ...guy is right about everything LOL. You obvious ain't that experienced..
As for books.... I've written more ;)
(Edit: Far more recent Far more upto date.)


Active Member
Off topic, topic question.

My timer is strange, it wasn't working. Then it was, not it isn't again? And It are frustrating. Any reason why it would choose randomly when to work? If it was a connection issue it would just not work at all right?