New Grow! in my kitchen?!


Well-Known Member
I am running 6 x 15 watt CFLs.... got them for around 7 bucks each at home depot with the socket converter too! Alright.... got my babies in some soil!
I ordered some fox farm ocean forest and I am waiting on that, but for now I just planted them in some potting soil mixed with perlite.

yeah next time u know your going to pick up clones i would recomend having the pot allready ready with moist soil then all you got to do is throw em in and mist them and the roots will spread out looking for water if you dont water them for a week or 2 (what i do is i just mist them to provide water for the first 2 weeks and i think it makes the roots spread out in the soil a little faster)


Well-Known Member
go buy a 65 watt cfl or bigger at home depot or lowes or order online it will make a big difference those big cfls work great


Active Member
Somehow.... I was able to fit 4 more lights in there! haha

I wired the temp sensor to one of the pots...

10 cfls!!!! BYAHHHH!!!

I think they like the new light.... =)



Active Member
Nice work, this could work out to be the Most Improved Grow of 2009. Do you have any air circulating in the tent? If not I would work on that soon.


Active Member
Yep... Got that taken care of! theres a picture of my 4" fan in one of the earlier posts. It's working really well!


Active Member
UPDATE! Added 2 x 65 watt cfls and took out 2 of the smaller ones! I am pretty sure I have over 10000 lumens in my grow lab right now... (too much? NEVER TOO MUCH! BYAHHH!!)
Anyways, I had a question about light cycles. Should I have my CFLs running 24 hours now? I know that these plants need light, but I also wanna allow my lights to cool. I was thinking to switch from 24/0 to 20/4. What do you guys think?



Well-Known Member
thats wat i got my veg tank on, 20/4, gives the root time to build. and NEVER ENOUGH LIGHT OR AIR, just heat!


Active Member
UPDATE! Added 2 x 65 watt cfls and took out 2 of the smaller ones! I am pretty sure I have over 10000 lumens in my grow lab right now... (too much? NEVER TOO MUCH! BYAHHH!!)
Anyways, I had a question about light cycles. Should I have my CFLs running 24 hours now? I know that these plants need light, but I also wanna allow my lights to cool. I was thinking to switch from 24/0 to 20/4. What do you guys think?
They are looking great Obleezy. I personally would switch to 18/6 just to insure rapid root development which is a necessity to nourish large healthy flowers. I have only done a few CFL grows but my best yields were with 18/6 rather than 24/0 and just for future reference you can actually have too much light. I have had seedlings and bud both destroyed from using a cooltubed HID too close to the plants. I doubt you will encounter that problem but given how quickly you have improved this grow I wouldn't be surprised if we saw pictures of your new 1000 watt HPS that you decided to add to the mix. Just my two cents and nothing more..........

Great job though and keep the pics coming.


Well-Known Member
They are looking great Obleezy. I personally would switch to 18/6 just to insure rapid root development which is a necessity to nourish large healthy flowers. I have only done a few CFL grows but my best yields were with 18/6 rather than 24/0 and just for future reference you can actually have too much light. I have had seedlings and bud both destroyed from using a cooltubed HID too close to the plants. I doubt you will encounter that problem but given how quickly you have improved this grow I wouldn't be surprised if we saw pictures of your new 1000 watt HPS that you decided to add to the mix. Just my two cents and nothing more..........

Great job though and keep the pics coming.

wait wait u did that?? well thats too close of a light just bak em off!:bigjoint:

Mr Bomb

Active Member
Go with an 18/6 light cycle over a 20/4 it will save you money on your electric bill and 20/4 has no proven benefit over 18/6.


Active Member
Sorry for the lack of updates... but I've been busy! hehe I'll post up new pics of my current EXPANDED setup! WAHOOO!!!


Active Member
It's been a little over a month since I first started this grow. I've added a bunch of new equipment, expanded the grow area, and actually started two seedlings (random seeds) since my last update. Anyways, the lights are kept on 24 hours... max temp in the tent is 82 F.

Sun System 2 - 250 watt HPS w/ 270 watt Super Agro Bulb

MK-Ultra Clones (Barbara & Nicole)

Seedlings!!! under 4 x 43 watt 6500k CFLs.

New Grow Cabinet (2x4x5)