New grow box... have a few questions...


Well-Known Member
so 2 of the plants had 2 leaves that where developing "rust" like spots so i think it was magnesium def. so i added calmag and i think they are doing better... but the leaves are starting to get a little thick and bumpy i guess you would say it... and on one of them they are starting to slightly curl on the sides of the leaves.... can anyone tell me what that is?

some of the plants are already getting good growth from the nods

here are some root pics for ya....

i love my underwater fan it starts to make a little noise cuz the water level is to low so my roots never go dry but ... now that my roots are big enough should the roots be completely underwater or what cuz the water level is always almost level with the net pots



Well-Known Member
how am i going to be able to do 12/12 when i realy on the cracks for fresh air to vent it... but i cant let the light in?? how can i fix this?


i would just make a cover for the holes in the door, 12/12 during the day and at night cover them up no need for exhuast
when your lights arent on. hope it helps