New Grow!!3rd Week VEGG!!


Well-Known Member
i have 3 clones 2 of uknown strains and 1 sugar blossom clone. clones about 3 1/2 weeks old..
also have a 3 week old dank seed i got looking great just topped 3 days ago..
i also have 4 seeds in germination so i plan on having about 6 plants vegging and looking at maybe 4-6 plants flowering maybe...
i have them in 44 oz cups just transplanted them about a week ago from 12 oz cups...
using seabird guano a 10-10-1 solution about 1 1/2 teaspoon everyweek
as sedling i had them in MG moisture control ..when transplanted starting using gardner and bloomes organic potting soil
there under 1 -105 watt 5000k cfl .. 4 - 27 watts mixed from 5000k - 6500k ..1 12inch tube flouro and a 14 cfl ...also i have 2 42 watt 5100k coming in the mail tuesday to replace 2 27 watts...
have a 6 inch fan blowing at all times focusing on lights and plants.
watering varies 1-3 days ph level normal
keep you updated....



Well-Known Member
Pretty good my friend i am using a 105Watt 5000K cfl as well. I love it... Your crop is looking very bona fide. Keep us updated...


Well-Known Member
anyone have any ides on this????yellow tips my ph is fine could it be because i switched over from 20-20-20 MG to 10-10-1 organic solution...maybe a little to hot i just put a bigger fan in today....



Well-Known Member
It looks like nute burn to me. Try 1 or even 3/4's of a Tspoon isntead of 1 and 1/2. Doesn't look too bad though...


Well-Known Member
You should get some organic based Fox Farm liquid fertilizer. It has alot of good ingrediants in it and its just stright up quality shit.


Well-Known Member
also i now have 2 new seedlings 3 more still in germination all dank bagseed ...

grow room

1 day seedling

this is my 3 day old seedling


Well-Known Member
Outdoor Clone uknown strain 1 month old

another outdoor clone uknown strain 1 month old

Sugar blossoms clone 1 month

Dank seedling 26 days old

3 clones 1 seedling


Well-Known Member
dang not bad,i just put up 4 42s and with waht i got now i got a total of 22,800 total lumens with mixed spectrums.


Well-Known Member
Yeah it is really good stuff. High in Nitrogen if i remember correctly. Im happy with my Fox Farm Grow Big (6-4-4). And my FF Big Bloom, which has, Earthworm Castings, Rock Phosphate, Sulfate of Potash Magnesia, Norwegian Kelp, and Bat and Seabird Guano.