New chronic clone is gonna die, what did I do wrong?


Active Member
Well a friend gave me a clipping of his Chron plant and I dipped it in some rooting hormone planted it and watered it and stuck it under a light. The clone has 5 nodes on it.

Now it looks sick :( Is there anything I can do to make it survive? or what did I do incorrectly that made the clone not survive?
The leaves are starting to wilt and fold and thats really gay, because now i don't have any Sativa if it doesn't grow.
Also, the instructions on the Take Root that I used says to cut the root at a 45 degree angle and to dip it in water before you use the Take Root on it, and both of those suggestions I did not do. I couldn't cut it correctly because I didn't cut it, and the clone was delivered to me in my car, where I didn't have any water.


Active Member
you should've put the clone in a rockwool cube for a few days to start it off, so that it can develop its roots before you plant it in soil. also, clones cant be put in as much light as a regular plant, they're too weak to handle that light for the first week or so. idk what you can do for her at this point. see if your buddy will cut you off another clone and start fresh. good luck :joint: