New but experienced

Hi guys,

I am from Holland and an experienced grower on soil. t least that is what i think :-).

I am going to invest in new equipment and i am just about to finish up my list but then i came across this great forum so i thought why not ask for advice! So i hope you are willing to give me some.

So it is Obvious that i want to move to Hydroponics.We have a couple of good systems on the market in Holland but i am mainly looking at GHE. Within GHE i am having a some trouble making a choice for either the Aeroflo line or the Dutchpost ( what's in the name :-) ). Within the dutchpots you can also choose theri Aero or Hydro line.

I guess my first question would be what you guys think? Because i know you are going to need more information i will tell a bit about the rest of my configuration:

Gorilla tent 300x300 ( centimeters ).
12 x TGS 220 with 3590CBX LED ( made by ).
I like the Lucas Formula so i want to try that ( kind of hard to find reverse osmoses water in Holland by the way ).
Furthermore 4 x the PK125 EC-TC ( don't know if you guys know this one but it's supossed to be a great fan.

Offcourse there is some other stuff but this is about it. For the first time i want to use 30 day wonder and 30 day lemon.

Hope you can give me some advice. Thanks in advance!