New box, New grow


Active Member
im converting a speaker box setup like yours right now but am doing a single plant bubble ponic system in a cut down 5 gal. bucket
did you seal the inside wood with any kind of waterproof sealant b4 putting a reflective sheet?
and also training them into circles or whatever the fuck that is
should i be doing that with a single plant?
thanks ahead if u can help


Well-Known Member
I used one coat of regular interior white primer and two coats of plain interior flat white matte finish house paint.

The training is just Low Stress Training (LST). I use breadties to tie the main trunk and any branches that get too tall around the outside edge of the pot. Doing this will easily double the yield of a single plant compared to how it grows "naturally", but it can be very high maintainance.


Well-Known Member
Some bad luck to report. All three of those seedlings turned out to be male (and have since gone to the compost pile). One clone from the sativa in the cream pot took, so I'm going to keep it and try to gather some pollen. Speaking of clones, none of my clones (other than that male) are taking root for me. Wish I could figure out what I'm doing wrong. Started a couple more seeds, hopefully at least one will turn out female. And to top it all off...I'm outta bud.


Hey man. Thought i'd stop by since you always come in my topic. Looking good man, you have some nice buds there. With Clones I've always had good luck with those little grow pucks and Liquid root stimulator also make the cuts at a long angle for more room for the roots to form.


Well-Known Member
so budweaver, sweet grow, im subscribed. so this revegging, what do you think about it? it seems to be doing good for you to get almost an ounce yield TWICE off the same plant. does it take the same amount of as growing from seed or cloning? if it does, or less time, then it seems like the way to go. I am thinking about it. I will seach on here about it and see what else I can find out about it. nice grow!


Well-Known Member
Revegging is great, but it does take as long as (or longer than) other methods. It's most redeaming quality is you can save good genetics after you've flowered them.

My clones are still giving me issues.

I take a nice long cutting, yes I cut at a 45 degree angle. I dip the end in root hormone and let it sit for a couple of minutes before planting into a rehydrated Jiffy plug. Then the clones just sit and do nothing. The stay alive just fine, but won't spit out roots. I made a bubble cloner and the cuttings are doing the same thing in there...just hangin out, soaking up water and not making roots. I've tried putting some superthrive and rooting hormone into the resevoir. I've tried rehydrating the Jiffy plugs with superthrive and rooting hormone in the water. I've tried putting them in warmer conditions. I've tried putting them in cooler conditions. I've tried just planting them straight into dirt. I've tried just sticking a cutting into a glass of plain water.

My clones just sit, alive but not rooting. One clone stayed alive for 3 WEEKS without a single root.



Well-Known Member
Finally found the time (and batteries) to snap a few pics.

Pic #1 is a revegged plant. Revegging has really put a damper on it's vigor. Her clones don't root well and grow slow and small once they are started. She's going into flower one last time for the next run then to the compost heap.

Pic #2 is a different reveg that's now my official Bonsai Mom. This is it's third time through reveg and she is still producing vigorous growth.

Pic #3 is a rooted clone from plant in pic 1. Looking good but growing kind of slow and took for-fucking-ever to root. This and a clone you'll see in the flower box soon are the reasons pic 1 isn't a mother.

Pic #4 is a rooted clone from my mother. Compared to the last pic it should be obvious why I chose the mother I did.

Pic #5 is the only currently vegging seedling. She's going to get a pretty thourough LSTing before flower time. It's another bagseed, so it'll be fun to see how she grows and what she smokes like (assuming it's female lol)

Pic #6 is a full flower box shot. As you can see, I've remounted the lights. Previously I was using a power strip (like you'd use for your computer) with plug in light sockets, but the weight of the lights and the fact that I couldn't get the strips to hold onto nails very well was giving me nightmares of hot bulbs crashing down onto tender plants. So, I picked up some of those plastic, cone-shaped sockets, a spool of wire and some new wire strippers then hardmounted the bulbs. I'm much happier with the result and I no longer fear falling bulbs.

Pics #7 & 8 are a flowering clone of the plant from pic 1. Looks good, but growing and flowering slow. Clones from the other reveg went in at the same time and are flowering much better.

Pics #9 & 10 are of a bagseed. She's doing alright, but not as vigorous as I'd like to see, and she's not responding as well to the LST as some of my other plants. Lower branches aren't popping like I think they should.

Pics #11 & 12 are another bagseed. No training to this one, instead I went 12/12 from seed (same as next plant which was germed at the same time). Growing well with some very tight internode spacing.

Pics #13 & 14 show another 12/12 from seed bagseed plant. LSTing is still definitely my favorite way to grow, but no harm in experimentation. These two plants show me that height can be controled in other ways and will be informative to watch a plant grow "naturally".

Pics #15 & 16 are another clone from pic 1 plant. Again, slowish growth and not responding very well to LST. But she is frosty as hell and I hope this crappy camera can show that.

Pics #17 & 18 are a clone from the real mom. Solid, sturdy plant, great growth, flowering well. She should have bud all the way down to the soil.

And finally Pics # 19 & 20 are a reveg well into flower. Had some fairly major issues early on which I'm almost positive were pH related. A couple good flushes and she's doing great. This plant should be harvestable by New Years!

As far as my cloning issues I mentioned previously go, I'm fairly certain the causes were multifold. Between slightly low temperatures in the closet, taking clones from revegged plants (which, being very mature likely don't form roots as quickly), and generally experimenting with technique, it's a wonder I got any clones to root at all.

Final cloning solution seems to be the bubble cloner I built. A couple of drops of Superthrive in the resevoir, a couple of CD cases to raise it off the cold floor and taking clones from branches with greem stems (instead of mature hard, brown "sticks") will be the way to go. Perpetual is coming brothers and sisters.

:leaf: :bongsmilie: :leaf:

