New born: already troubled. Need Quick Help Please (Pics Inside)


Well-Known Member
just use the same size cup the pots are in and fill it a third of the way up i usually hold it up and poor lil by little when there young until its drips from the bottom, have u got any perlite in your pots it helps with drainage and prevents root rot, if not buy some before you re pot them also is there holes in the bottom of your cups?
I have perlite chilling, however, I honestly think I probably don't need it for the soil I have. I do have holes I made in the cups I am currently using for my sprouts, but I'm not watering until water starts seeping out yet. I didn't think that was a smart thing to do for newborns since I would think they would drown if I used that method. Fortunately, thats probably the reason why the soil keeps getting bone dry and my insufficient watering methods are causing the sprouts to become the way they are. I'll wait 2-3 days depending on their progress with no water, afterwards, I'll go ahead and water each cup until water barely starts running out the ends. Again, good tips I hope this is the reason why my little crop is the way it is.


Well-Known Member
even if you think there dieing or what ever from not watering them dont for 2-3 days they will thank you for it trust me, also i am using coco soil wt ever it is and it doesn't need perlite but i still use it because a better drainage system really pays off.


Active Member
This rarely ever happens, especially with beginners but it sounds to me like they're not getting enough water. I'll explain why:

First, you have a fan blowing at high speed over the cups. This will dry out the soil - even in larger pots - quite quickly. Second, you are only spraying water into the cups which I assume means, not that much water. If you combine those two things the roots would hardly have enough time to process adequate water to maintain a healthy plant before the soil dries out.

If I have the 'facts' wrong above, you can straighten me out, but I would fill some larger pots (not too big - 6 inch maybe) with pre-moistened soil that contains a very small amount of nutrients. (If the soil you are using already contains nutrients that isn't necessary. Having a few extra nutrients won't hurt as the plants are already damaged and will use them to recover. Very few though - too many will finish them off. Again, if the soil already has nutes, don't worry about it.) Remove the plants - soil and all of course - from the cups when they are dry as it is much easier to get them out in one piece ... the whole thing should almost fall out of the cup when dry. Transplant into the pre-moistened soil in the larger pots. If the soil is wet enough it will soak into the transplanted soil ... if not you'll need to add a little more water to the center. Regardless of how it happens, make sure the new soil/pots are soaked with water. Not dripping wet, but very moist. Now leave them until they dry out before watering again. Once they dry out, water until it comes out the drain holes in the bottom, then wait for it to dry out again and so on. (In my opinion you can throw the moisture meter away as long as you water like that but I know lots of people like them - many of the same people that have watering problems. :-)) I'll probably get killed for that. LOL

Look at if logically: If the plants have everything they need (and not too much of it) they will grow just fine. If not, problems occur. Look at your setup in that regard and it really helps to sort things out on a basic scale.


Active Member
Stop watering them, something that small can survive off the moisture in the air practically. Give it a few days, they'll be ok


Active Member
His soil is drying out in less than day - sounds like, even during the time he is at work - yet everyone tells him to quit watering? Don't think so. Brux013, you have to be the judge because you're the only one that really knows what's going on, but if your soil is drying out that fast and you stop watering them ... just don't include me in the group that told you to stop. :-) I'm stickin' with my other answer.


Well-Known Member
His soil is drying out in less than day - sounds like, even during the time he is at work - yet everyone tells him to quit watering? Don't think so. Brux013, you have to be the judge because you're the only one that really knows what's going on, but if your soil is drying out that fast and you stop watering them ... just don't include me in the group that told you to stop. :-) I'm stickin' with my other answer.
Thanks man, everything you said in your previous post was pretty spot on. I kind of thought it might be the fan at its high speed would dry out the boxes humidity and soil. When put the way you say it, it sounds more logical than me over watering it. However, I do think me spraying it doesn't help the with the discoloration. If I go ahead and transplant in a slightly larger container, how big are we talking? I have a 2-3 gallon pot for each plant when the time comes but I'm not sure I should waste that much soil yet. I'll check my Fox Farm Ocean Soil bag to see if it has nutrients already before I go and add some into the new containers.

Just moisten the soil in the new container, add the dry lump into it and let stand for a couple days. I think that sounds like a fair plan... thanks again 70s.


Well-Known Member
I just knocked over all 3 cups and some soil flew off the top of each one. I replaced the removed soil with new soil. I didn't see any exposed roots, and all plants stayed in the cup, but I did see a bit of stem that hasn't been exposed to light. I hope they won't be too shocked from that. Meh, ...

Just an update, I haven't watered them for a day now, and the soil still looks bone dry and barely any progression from yesterday. Maybe a little less droopy, not sure. But they are definitely still yellow. I'm really hoping they'll cheer up soon. I'm getting so stressed out on this project. Put a few bills in it, so I'd expect to think I could come out with a successful grow.. I feel so newbish.

Feild of dreams

Well-Known Member
Hey dude,got sum water issues?

Member me?U taugth me that dyi cfl set-up(awesome btw)

U seem like a smart guy,i thougth u had some grows under ur belt?

N e ways,all these respones prolly confused u cuz everyone is sayin' different things.

Well i'm no big time grower but i do have sum expirence with this.At this piont i have prolly sucsessfully riased about 35-40 babies from cups just like urs before i transplanted them into there bigger homes.

1st of all ur using better soil then me.So u should have even better sucsess.And i dont mix any perlite in the soil if it already has any.The cups are small and dont retain much water as it is (as u have found out)And if there is holes in the bottom drainage shouldnt be an issue.

Btw for my holes in these size cups i put one the diameter of a pencil in the middle and like a bunch of 2mm hole around the bottom edge of the cup.I have perfect run-off with this.

For water,i water them every 3 days.I use a cup the same size as the cup the plant is in and fill it half way.This is the amount of water i use for each plant.It seems like alot,but over the 3 days they use it all.
As i water them i hold them over the sink.And i just vigerisly poor the water into the cup,untill it is gushing and pooring out the bottom like freakin' waterfall.(almost like flushing) This way i have garanteed the completly soaked every grain of soil in the cup.And then i dont do it again for 3 days.

When the 3rd day comes for water again.I pick the cup up and feel it for weigth.I have done this so much i can tell just the feel of weigth.To double check i take my mioster meter a stick it all the way to the bottom of the cup.Usually it say 1 or 0 at this piont cuz its been 3 i know i need to do it again.If the is like 2 or over wait another day.

Yea def dont spray them,the dropplets will magnify the ligth and burn holes.I know this the hard way LOL.Also i McDonold's cup lids for humidity covers.I cut a hole in the middle of the lid for the plant to grow threw.And i cut a channel for the stem to pass threw when i take the lid off when its time for watering.

These lid makes it so the fans and lite cant absorb water from the cups.

with this method i have grown plants taller then the cup it self.And have had plants live for over a month in this size.I know thats not a good idea and its just make the plant grow slower then it has too.(this was just an exspirament) But it just proves i know how to grow a plant in a cup.

Anyways i told u every thing i know about growing in this size cotaines i hope it helps a bit.Cuz i know this works perfect for me.


Well-Known Member
Great tips Field of dreams. I've tried flooding the pots like you describe, but I always manage to float my little plants and then they tip over. I try to be gentle too. Any tips?

Feild of dreams

Well-Known Member
Dude,wut kind of soil are u using?

The only tip i can give u is slowly poor the water on the surface of the soil ,let soil completly soak it up,do it again tell uve used the amount of water i suggested.Or untill ist absolutly gushing out the bottom.

Dont forgot to make the holes like i said.So that way ur soil doesnt turn into soup,and u get that foalting effect like ur having.Ur container has to drain the water so it dosent thin out the soil,and loosen the roots u have


Well-Known Member
FoD, thanks alot bro, unfortunately I am very new to this game, however when I have a drive for a hobby I tend to think I do well. So with great advice from what you've given I'll take it and hold it higher than everyone else gave me (no offense to the others that did help me substantially). thanks again, Feild, and if its cool I'd like to consider you a e-'bud'die and be hitting you up with some Q's.

Feild of dreams

Well-Known Member
hey man

yea np dude,i can try and help ya' anytime.So add me up,i consider u an e-buddy too LOL.

But yea we'er kinda in the same boat im new at this to and i have only been growing for less then four months.But i have learned alot in that time.I'm pretty sure we'er prolly around the same age too.

Tonite im gunna start a new thread on my bow grow.Its prolly gunna be named "how too grow weed in room with out anyone in ur house knowing" LOL.

I know ill prolly get totally bashed for it,cuz everyone on here is so against kids growing with out consent.But some buddy's gotta do it.N e ways im gunna post it in the CFL section,so check it out.I'll make it tonite.

And ill follow ut grow and see how it goes.Good luck with that btw.

P.S. where did u buy ur fox farm soil?I wish i could find some.

ttyl dude