New at this here, need suggestions!


New Member
Hello all!
I am new to the site but have growing for awhile now. Long enough to learn the basics anyway. I am going to attempt a new thing for me and would love some help!
I have 15 regular seeds coming of a strain by Sin City Seeds called 'Cherry Fuel'. I want to select a good mother from the stock, but am not sure what to look for! I would like the Buddhas Sister X Petrol to be heavy on the fuel side of things.
1) Do I have to wait until buds are smokable to determine the keeper? Are there signs that will tell me which plant is better...earlier?
2) Should I pop all 15 seeds to find the right pheno?
3) even the smallest pointer is appreciated! Id like this to be my permanent strain if possible.
All the usual things are important: yield, strength, flavor, vigor, stretch.
I look forward to getting into this thing here, and am excited for the seeds arrival so I can get a new grow log going! Thanks for any help my bruddahs-n-sistas.


Hey kest, i would pop them all since ur looking for the best one. Look for fast growth, bushy. Also see if it clones well. Im also doing the same, but looking for my best white widow lady. Good luck bro, hope i was any help to ya