New and different Mite question


Active Member
So I have been doing some research on mites, and I am starting to wonder if the mites that are in my soil atm that I have been killing might infact be soil mites (which would be good and helpful) Anyone know of a way for me to figure out for sure? I am not seeing any damage on my plants from insects, but I am still new to this and I dont know how to tell for sure. I will say that they kinda look like the spider mites did, but they dont have the 2 spots on em like the ones that I killed in the leaves did. Any help will be apprecaiated!

Cheers and Thanks


New Member
keel dem wiv fire! use fire to keel dem!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11111111111111111111111111111111111111111


We have used all different chems on mites and I'd say the best is liquid ladybug, you can get 1 gallon of concentrate for about $100 and that lasts quite a while. Tried actual ladybugs and they just disappear to god know where. Goodluck and be resilient against the mites and kill them as you go and you should be alright.


Well-Known Member
How do u use the liquid lady bug? Heard good things on this? Fucken mites man I disinfected my whole grow don't no where there comin from