New Airport Security System Soon-ish?


Well-Known Member
New article from CNN:
Billing it as a way to end the one-size-fits-all approach to airport security, the International Air Transport Association on Tuesday unveiled a mock-up of what it called the "Checkpoint of the Future."

Instead of a single screening procedure applied to all fliers, the group envisions that passengers would be divided into risk categories based on the information available about them.

They would then be directed to one of three lanes: "Known Traveler," "Normal" and "Enhanced Security."

The first -- and quickest -- lane would only be available to fliers who have registered and undergone background checks with their governments.

Normal screening in the second lane would apply to the majority of travelers. New technology would allow them to walk through without having to take off their clothes or shoes, or unpack their bags.

Passengers for whom less information is available, who are randomly selected or who are deemed to be an "elevated risk," would receive more screening in the third lane.

The system would focus resources on passengers who pose the greatest threat while reducing the hassle for the vast majority of travelers who are low risk, said the International Air Transport Association, which represents the world's major airlines.

"Today's checkpoint was designed four decades ago to stop hijackers carrying metal weapons. ... It is time to rethink everything," Giovanni Bisignani, IATA's director general and CEO, said at the World Air Transport Summit in Singapore.

"That means moving from a system that looks for bad objects to one that can find bad people," Bisignani said.

A biometric identifier in your passport would determine which lane you go through based on a risk assessment performed before you arrive at the airport.

Nineteen governments, including the United States, are working to define standards for a Checkpoint of the Future, IATA said. The group estimated it could be a reality in about five to seven years.

The U.S. Travel Association called for a similar plan earlier this year. In a report, titled "A Better Way," it suggested creating a trusted traveler program that would allow fliers who volunteer certain information about themselves to go through less rigorous security before their flight.

In March, U.S. Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano said the government was working on an "airport checkpoint of tomorrow," designed to make the passenger experience quicker and less intrusive while still maintaining security.

The International Air Transport Association said it is coordinating closely with the U.S. government on the program.
Anyone use Airports often? What do you guys think about how this will work out?


Well-Known Member
that would suck if i showed up and found out i was in the high risk group.

i've said it before, i'll say it again: israel has a damn good system in place that we would do well to imitate.


Well-Known Member
that would suck if i showed up and found out i was in the high risk group.

i've said it before, i'll say it again: israel has a damn good system in place that we would do well to imitate.
yup. i would love to have a system like that


Well-Known Member
oops, accidental ommision, sorry guys!

Last line:
The International Air Transport Association said it is coordinating closely with the U.S. government on the program.
OP edited to reflect the entire article.


Well-Known Member
Well Just think about what happens when ... well, normal, God fearing people blow up planes. The devil comes out and takes their soul to hell. Now what happens when sand people explode planes? They go to heaven and get to live with 72 virgens for all of eternity. That's why normal people just don't explode planes. Do Atheist people blow up planes? sure they do, they are just ignorant of the fact that the world wasn't created by monkey evolution and dinosaurs.


Well-Known Member
Well Just think about what happens when white, God fearing people blow up planes. The devil comes out and takes their soul to hell. Now what happens when sand people explode planes? They go to heaven and get to live with 72 virgens for all of eternity. That's why normal people just don't explode planes.
so christians are normal now? and why is it only white people? what about a middle eastern christian?


Well-Known Member
so christians are normal now? and why is it only white people? what about a middle eastern christian?
why don't you get on the phone and then print us a real graph based on some Home Land Security statistics you pulled up from your vast connections with the Gubenments?


New Member
oh come on. what?
I am pretty sure that nobody has ever boarded a commercial passenger flight and then blown it up, nobody has ever been convicted of it at least, maybe I am wrong about that I didn't check google or anything. Im willing to accept those odds for the sake of liberty. I think spontaneous combustion is probably more likely, it is surely many times more likely that the plane would crash before a terrorist blew it up.

Oh well, at least they will be doing security properly, one step up from sticking their fingers up infants butts, hopefully they stop doing that at the least.

Chad Sexington

Active Member
I am pretty sure that nobody has ever boarded a commercial passenger flight and then blown it up, nobody has ever been convicted of it at least, maybe I am wrong about that I didn't check google or anything. Im willing to accept those odds for the sake of liberty. I think spontaneous combustion is probably more likely, it is surely many times more likely that the plane would crash before a terrorist blew it up.

Oh well, at least they will be doing security properly, one step up from sticking their fingers up infants butts, hopefully they stop doing that at the least.
Check out the Air India Bombing.


Well-Known Member
I am pretty sure that nobody has ever boarded a commercial passenger flight and then blown it up, nobody has ever been convicted of it at least, maybe I am wrong about that I didn't check google or anything. Im willing to accept those odds for the sake of liberty. I think spontaneous combustion is probably more likely, it is surely many times more likely that the plane would crash before a terrorist blew it up.

Oh well, at least they will be doing security properly, one step up from sticking their fingers up infants butts, hopefully they stop doing that at the least.
you rant that no one ever blew up a plane, yet assert that they are currently sticking fingers up infants' butts?

does not compute.


Well-Known Member
I am pretty sure that nobody has ever boarded a commercial passenger flight and then blown it up, nobody has ever been convicted of it at least, maybe I am wrong about that I didn't check google or anything.
make up your mind you seem to be hedging your bets here by saying "nobody ever boarded" instead of "nobody has ever blew up a plane ever"
ok i can understand that you were trying to talk about people being on the plane when it blew...
but then you imediatley ask for a conviction of said "bomber" who was on plane at the time....

you shouldnt need google for things like this i realise most of your knowledge comes from youtube or prisonplanet but you should have at least some basic knowledge about whats been going on last 60 odd years if your gonna follow CT's

Im willing to accept those odds for the sake of liberty. I think spontaneous combustion is probably more likely, it is surely many times more likely that the plane would crash before a terrorist blew it up.
yes odds are undeniably lower by magnitudes of...
Oh well, at least they will be doing security properly, one step up from sticking their fingers up infants butts, hopefully they stop doing that at the least.