New Aeroponic Setup....BUD BOOMING MACHINE!!


Good evening RIU! The new thread i was in the middle of typing DELETED some how so , this is going to be short since the last one took long to do...

This is my setup...AEROPONIC with separate reservoir and a 1780 gpm pump . 400 watt HPS .

This Grow space here is what it looked like before i started working on it , as you can see there is a 10" exhaust fan that was previously installed in my basement before i moved in.
not all of this space is being used for growing but im not a small guy so i need room to maneuver .


Here you can see where i attached this 6" flex duct to an a/c hood to pull fresh cold air into the grow space for right now...In the winter time im going to have to cap that connection. Yes its a sleeping installation!
this is a good side view with mylar board on left and exhaust on right with beginning of aero design in the middle :hump::joint:

Heres the 10" exhaust fan that my 6" ducting will connect to passively exhaust the hot air from the 400 watt hps im using, In the winter I will use the basement air to bring into the grow space and keep exhausting the hot air from the hood as long as the temps are getting hot...

Heres the setup without the light installed...Tomorrow...

Heres the Aeroponic can see the 3 x 30 gallon tubs...2 of them holding the 6 pots each.. 12 total plants.. the 2 30 gallon tubs drain back into the main rez which is holding 2 x airstones to oxygenate the water...You can also see where i drain my rez into ...

This setup took a while to understand but its really awesome once you understand the components used, the yields it makes, and overall great maintenance...IMO

Will be posting more pics after i install the light tomorrow... CLONES should be ready in a few more days...


When Winter comes the basement air should be ok enough to be pulled into the grow space? like an active ventilation??


New Member
I'm trying to wrap my head around your ventilation... what's in the sleeping bag, a carbon filter? Or maybe for insulation or sound dampening? Looks like the piece hanging down is an intake and it gets sucked through the sleeping bag and out the wall... lol? Looks like you aren't going to run ventilation through your hid unless that hanging down piece is going to connect to a hood/cooltube.

Why do you have what looks like a divider between 2 setups... doing veg & flower rooms?


I'm trying to wrap my head around your ventilation... what's in the sleeping bag, a carbon filter? Or maybe for insulation or sound dampening? Looks like the piece hanging down is an intake and it gets sucked through the sleeping bag and out the wall... lol? Looks like you aren't going to run ventilation through your hid unless that hanging down piece is going to connect to a hood/cooltube.

Why do you have what looks like a divider between 2 setups... doing veg & flower rooms?

Yes I'm using the sleepin bag for sound dampening and insulation...saw it in Jorge Cervantes Grow DVD...
oh that's not a a divider just a piece of Mylar wrapped board for reflection. Also to keep it enclosed in an area an not so open...
piece of ventilation hanging is just that it's hanging lol....not put up yet because I'm pulling the air through my hood which I'm putting up tomorrow.
I like it

Iv had dreams of a grow room with TILE pre-installed. It looks like your going to have some heat management to do come winter. What are your temps holding at right now?