New Aeroponic/DWC setup questions


Well-Known Member
I am getting ready to build this sytem using the Rubbermaid 54g Roughneck Hi-Top and wondered if anyone has any experience with these containers? Also, I was wondering what the issues were with using a cloner to grow plants through to flowering? The reason I say this is that in the video "15lbs. in 80 days" he grows 300 plants in those three Aquamist systems and I figure I can do maybe 45-50 on this tote. What are the issues with growing plants that close together and would there be any root problems? Again, this seems like a great way to grow large amounts of plants in small areas, yet I see hardly anybody doing this.


when growing in extremely tight sites like that ...its alot more work than giving the plants enough room so they will not touch each other. i know ppl that crop 2 lbs per light with 6-8 plants and ppl that yeild the same 2 lbs per light with 30-40 imo,,,its a matter of what style of growing you like and how much work you wanna put into them. If you dont wanna touch them at all then tight growing (SOG - SCROG) is probably not the way to go. If you dont mind trimmin and lolipopin ..then go for the SOG !!!


Well-Known Member
I have a roughneck DWC going right now.. Check my journal for more info..

The main reason you can't use the cloner all the way through is the weight of the plant. In the cloner, the plants are held in by little pieces of foam, once the plant weighs enough, that little bit of foam won't hold it in. Also the foam will strangle the stock.. Getting them in to netpots is the only way to keep them in DWC..

As for how close you can get them, as close as you want.. But they will shade each other, Fight for light, and the smaller ones won't get much light or yield much bud. If you don't mind training them (SCROG or LST) you can just choose a strain that doesn't get to bushy and manipulate them.. Otherwise you'll want room between them just for the sole purpose of giving them each good light. I personally like them close together cause I can get more in a small area.. I've got 5 nuken (a very bushy strain) in one tote. They are all up in each others shit all the time. I just keep trimming them so they don't shade each other too much..

Also you have to remember, the more holes and weight you put on that lid, the more it will bow.. If there are too many holes and too much weight, the lid will bow so much, the middle plants will be fully submerged and you're water level will have to be so low that the plants on the edges will be 3 - 4 inches away from the water.. That mean less water in your tote.. You might want to do 2 or 3 smaller totes..

As for the roots, don't worry about it. Like in any pot, the plants will only grow to the size of the pot.. Once the roots run out of room, the plant stops growing..

Good luck man! Happy growing.


Well-Known Member
Thank you so much for the info! The weight issue is one reason I am going with the Hi-Top. The lid is thicker than on the other Roughnecks and I would say the shape of it also makes it more durable. Once I receive my seeds (Bubblelicious), I am going to start a journal.