new $5000 hydro setup having problems


Well-Known Member
dont think its a hydro hut. and i dont think it smells chemicaly or plasticy but i also have a bit of a cold atm. ppm for clones is 1300 por flowering plants around 1300 aswell but was at 1600. there nice and white there is a bit of a rotten smell but its more skunky so figure its coming from the skunk plant lol i flushed the plants last night and changed the clones res and the clones seem to be getting worst now and the mums look the same is there any way of finding out if my nutes are any good or if there is a huge def of one thing and a toxisity of another?


Well-Known Member
ok first of all im in australia so everyone in america its like 2500 american dollars second of all im not lieing the insulation for the room costed 500 by itself the i bought a room to go in that room and so forth yer i agree 5k for 4 plants is heaps but they talked me into it and i only had 4 plants at the time so next month buying another 10 pots so i can have 14 plants under it reason i cant afford a camera is cause i got a 5k loan thinking it would pay itself off with the amount me and my mates smoke. i took the lights down a couple weeks ago so put them abit higher up now. and i will flush in a few days when im not so ill.

ppm is 1600 ph 6.5 water temp 28degrees. 24 by the time it gets to plants. it starts flooding when lights turn on and stops when lights turn off. member its a satelite system not a flood and drain. air temp is 70-85degrees and humidity is 44% the nutes are there own brand which could be the problem. i wanted a humidifier but they said it was a waste of money also wanted co2 but they said it would make buds grey. think next time im gonna go to another store. and also think it could of came to 4000 or something 5k is just how much i got the loan for so figured it prob costed that much.
l live in west aussie too mate ,and i could think of better things i could buy for $5000 ,fuck me dead that is unreal.
i would be growing a lot of weed if i spent that much money ,in fact i would not bother just buy the shit ,you can make a lot of shit yourself.
but each to thier own i guess.:peace:


Well-Known Member
i made my first setup and i had a few problems with it i prob could of made a 10000 setup with 5000 but i just couldnt be botherd at the time now im kinda wishing i made my own since one of the plugs just broke on my satelite system and theres water everywhere which wouldnt have happened if i had built it myself.


Well-Known Member
i say flush it, make sure the ph is str8, then just wait it out and pray that they fix themselves.


Well-Known Member
that looks like heat stress...... as the plants have turned realy stringy with sum ph burn .... wots the temp in the room ?


Well-Known Member
whats a 150? yer flushing today for 2 days again then getting dutchmaster 2 part nutes they any good? the temp doesnt go over 80 so wouldnt be heat stress and they have a fan blowing on them 24/7 so wouldnt be much hotter where the lights are.


Well-Known Member
dutchmaster is the only brand of nutes i've used...mind you i've only done 1 grow - harvest...on my second one now and can't complain.

i will add though don't pay a cent over $10 for each bottle of the basic stuff.

theres plenty of brands out there so it wouldn't hurt to do a bit of research.


Active Member
Who cares what he paid ,It's beside the point ,He asked what was wrong ... If I were you I would invest in a pH and EC meter ...
One like this is excellent any good hydro shop will support these units ...
I'd bet my balls your pH levels and your PPM are way off ...

Combo pH/EC/TDS/C/PPM Tester Hydroponics %$200 odd dollars

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Well-Known Member
already got a ph meter and ec meter pretty sure the ph meter was set wrong so reset it. but ppm is perfect. still not sure if the ph meter is set properly yet ay.
mattao. thanks il go buy some later its the only brand i can get hold of thats close to home will prob pick up gh 3 part in a week or 2 that stuff was wicked. and do u mean $10 auz or american?


Well-Known Member
We all have spent our hard earned money on things we thought at the time we would want or need, sometimes we end up spending more on those things. We can't change that but we can learn from it. We go to stores and take the info that the sells reps feeds us, believing that what they are saying is 100% truth. Tring to upgrade what ever they can. Its not there fult, its there job. Its our duity to our selvs to resurch the products and reviews. I don't know how many times my friends have went out and bought a sack of shit for way over priced. It is what it is.
It sounds like you jump in with both feet. I hope the loan that you got has a very low apr%. Once you get this all dialed in you will recupe your money back. Go buy a cheap camera, they are under $50 now days. I got one off of ebay for $23 for a canon 5mp cheap but that was what I was looking for.

Good luck, take your time and resurch what your system and the type of plant you are growing need.

Ive never done hydro but the ppm sounds high and the pics of the lights look to be to close to the tops of the plants. If the plants have been like this for a while they might not be able to recupe.



Active Member
I was just thinking about your GR have you tried tieing your plants down so they don't get to close to your lights ? I regularly do this to my plants ... It helps in a limited hight GR ...Just a thought Peace Cheers :joint:


Well-Known Member
how far away would u put the plants from the light? isnt it generaly a foot for 600watt? i just went out and bought canna a and b veg for my clones as they are looking realy bad aswell is canna any good? the clones are in a perfect situation with a dwc setup 36watts of flouro lights and all the shibang appart from a fan. they are looking the same as the big ones thats why i think its the nutes. should i have a small fan on my clones?


Well-Known Member
canna is pretty reputable.

get a fan on them pronto. you need that simulated wind to strengthen them.


Well-Known Member
I just put my hand under the light and if it doesn't feel warm/hot that should do it. It works for me. You just have to adjust do to the plants growth. It also depends on the temps in the room. The plants need fresh air Co2 coming and going. Its a big deal... A lot of varibles.

Have you been reading other ppl Journals on the site, it helps.



Well-Known Member
yer i only just realised i didnt have a fan on them just then il stick a computer fan in there with them that should do right?. i dont realy need to read other peoples journels i have read about 1000 pages of how to grow i just havnt read on these nutes and stuff sorry if that sounded rude but every one tells me to read but i have i was correcting the hydro store guy half the time till he started to tell me no thats not right and thats when i messed up cause he was wrong. o and i have the door open 12 hours a day and a oscolating fan on 24/7 wouldnt that be fine for fresh air? i did have the window open but it got to cold outside. the clones i put in canna nutes are looking better already ay. they have started growing quicker already i think the other nutes where just messed u ay.


Well-Known Member
mattao. thanks il go buy some later its the only brand i can get hold of thats close to home will prob pick up gh 3 part in a week or 2 that stuff was wicked. and do u mean $10 auz or american?
aussie dollars, im from aus 2:mrgreen:...also you can get nutes off ebay probably get it cheaper again


Well-Known Member
sorry only camera i had was my sis and it got stolen at last party i threw. but i can describe it all the middle sized leafs are yellow almost white with crispy tips all the small leafs are yellow on outside and green on inside and the fan leafs are perfect and green there is a bit of nute burn but thats just from me trying to fix the problem.
So your telling us that you spend 5 g's on grow gear but you don't have 30 bucks for a digital camera which could potentially save your crop. Priorities man, priorities.

How are your temp's?


Well-Known Member
temps are good a bit low if anything around the 70s reason i can afford a camera is im a first year apprentice hence why im trying to make investments to get more cash and with paying this loan back i hardly have any money extra a week.


Well-Known Member
Ya fuck the camera and pay that loan off, if you have to sell your ASS. J/k but really....

What is your apr% and its on $5000.00?


Well-Known Member
whats apr? i have to pay 2000 interest over 5 years but if i pay it off before that i only have to pay the intrest iv already payed and 300 early cancelation fee. if my plants didnt mess up i would prob be paying off the loan in a month or 2 but now looks like it will be in a year. i suppose there is one thing looking in my favour the new strain i got is growing pretty fast now iv got good nutes and pretty sure its a high yielder i got the seeds from a wicked 25 bag and figure if its good enough for them to sell its good enough for me lol. im still getting a bit of the brown stuff around the edges of the clones not sure if its nute burn or nute def but will find out soon. my ppm is only at 600 now for the clones which was recommended on the back of the canna box. going to get canna flora today since my plants in flower have been flushed for 2 days. do u recon i can just dive straight in with top ppm or still build up to it? o and with canna the ph is the same as i was using with gh and i had no problems with that so only have to check ph every now and again.