Never use vinegar


Well-Known Member
were not talking about pouring vinegar directly in the soil or on the plants.
We are talking about using a few milliliters in the water to porperly adjust the pH.
You had better check with the OP on that, 100% boy.

He may have used more than a few milliliters.

Using vinegar is futile because its effect dissipates so quickly, whatever changes it makes are soon neutralized.

Which is why organic gardeners like it in the first place.

Better to use rainwater if ph-neutral is the goal.


Well-Known Member
so how much vinegar should I use per gallon (tap water) what do I want the ph of the solution to be.
Hold on, how did you apply the vinegar?
And how much did you use?

For soil your pH should be between 6.5 and 7. You put in however much is necessary to bring it down, which isn't that much. Does your "guru" know about pH'ng the water?


Well-Known Member
Well, it seems like you have no clue as to what your doing.
Did you just pour the vinegar directly into the soil?


I used vinegar to lower the ph of my water and I dont know if it has anything to do with the spots that look like nute burn on my plants. I'm not adding any nutes so I don't know why I would be getting those unless it was from the vinegar.


Well-Known Member
All I ever used was white distilled vinegar never had any problem with PH besides having a bad PH tester


I use white vinager as PH down in my soil grow and haven't had a problem. Don't use it often and use like a drop in a 5 gal bucket.
sorry for you loss


Well-Known Member
I use white vinager as PH down in my soil grow and haven't had a problem. Don't use it often and use like a drop in a 5 gal bucket.
sorry for you loss
I use it a couple times a week and atleast 1tsp/gallon each time. Been doing that a long time, never had any issues.


Well-Known Member
ive also used vinegar to lower ph...if one has a properly calibrated ph pen or is using a bromothymol test solution kit the desired results can be achieved without harm.

as far as vinegar effects being futile...not sure if you mean no lasting effect to the base water or to the plant itself. i have done tests with ph down vs vinegar to prove how long the ph will hold of a measured amount of water. both held consistent ph readings +- .1 the test was ran for five days.
I used vinegar about 4 days ago to ph down my water and already my plants show nute burn like spots on the leaves. Should I wait till next time I water to flush it or should I do it right away. Thing is yesterday I flushed them bc I though it was mute burn using the same water/vingr. I don't want my girls to die. I'm not going to give them vinagered water ever again. I had been using lime juice to ph down and my girls liked it. SORRY I'm totally hopping on someone else's thread but it's the only place I found a convo about this. I hope someone can suggest a solution. Anyone? Thanks