never grown but gonna start im coming up with technical sollutions to future problems


New Member
Eh so i never grown but will outdoors latter in the year i live in Washington so we tend to get tons of rain here but to prevent mold i am thinking about putting Female socks over the buds to make it so more water runs off and doesnt build up on the buds and if you dont know what i mean by women socks im talking about the kind that are in dress stores for people to wear if their trying out shoes.
I am positive that this would work so hopefully this helps some one


Active Member
the socks would only keep the plant wet longer making it mold more than likely. obviously a greenhouse with good ventilation would be the best thing but if you can not have one (like myself) plant in an area where the plants will get morning sun and good air/breezy area. this will help to dry the morning dew and help them to stay dry.

also with the sock idea plants will grow big outdoors putting something on the end of every branch of even one plant would take some time a few large plants would take the do this every time it rained would be a chore not to mention probly a waste of the time as well.


Active Member
also in my experience the rain isn't as responsible for mold as much as realy humid endless days. i have lost plants in July with realy humid days and no rain and had good harvests in fall with every other day rain but no humidity. with big outdoor plants some mold will always happen it's best to cut it out quickly when you see it.


please dont put the socks on your plants. If you are that concerned about rain then throw up some hoopty green houses. Use the sun, keep the rain off, WIN WIN.