Never done shrooms. BUT I WANNA

The Happy Camper

Active Member
I got a Qp of mushys and i was wondering how many i should take for my 1st time? And what to expect. should i toke up after i eat them? Also when i'm tripping will i have the control to say, walk up stairs and make myself food? lol

Thanks :-P
start with an eight for a moderite trip start with a quarter to trip balls id eat a quarter myself put on some good tunes an have good people around the better the surroundings the better the time ive tripped for 6-8 hours off a quarter of course its only really intense for 2-3 hours

The Happy Camper

Active Member
start with an eight for a moderite trip start with a quarter to trip balls id eat a quarter myself put on some good tunes an have good people around the better the surroundings the better the time ive tripped for 6-8 hours off a quarter of course its only really intense for 2-3 hours
a whole 8th for my 1st time? i was thinking like 2gs, but i do wanna trip balls pretty hard. i wanna have fun
yeah atleast an eight u can always eat more if your not as high it depends on your weight im 200 # the bigger u r the more u have to eat as depends if u eat before if u eat youll have to eat more


Active Member
take an 8th ul prolly still trip ur balls off...i only took 2gs my first time and had the best night of my life...ul be able to get food haha and when ur trippin look into a mirror...crazy shit lol


Well-Known Member
start with an eight for a moderite trip start with a quarter to trip balls id eat a quarter myself put on some good tunes an have good people around the better the surroundings the better the time ive tripped for 6-8 hours off a quarter of course its only really intense for 2-3 hours

Your mushrooms must be weak. The most I've ever ate was an eighth of some really strong mushrooms, and it was too much.

Start with two grams and take it from there. Respect your psychedelics.


I took a half 8th of shrooms and was tripping pretty good.

It lasted for about 5 hours, which was actually a little unpleasant, but the trip itself is amazing, quite the experience!

I'd also recommend putting them on some kind of food product to mask the taste, as they're not the best tasting things in the world. I used a PB&J, but I hear pizza works equally as well, probably better.

Have fun man! :)


Well-Known Member
Start slow. My first time I went the whole hog, and while I did enjoy my specks of vomit sparkling like a rainbow of stars, it was a bit of a waste :P