Neocons VS Machiavelli


New Member
How the Neocons Misread Machiavelli

It is said that the now notorious Neo-Cons owe much to that dark prince of political theory, Machiavelli. Indeed, they invoked classic Machiavellian arguments in lobbying for military operations in Afghanistan and Iraq: we must bring the war to the terrorists' doorstep instead of waiting for them to visit us; we must be martially aggressive to reassert our power and economic independence; we must reinforce the image, tarnished after 9-11, that we are a nation not to be provoked. And yet, while the Neo-Cons now assert that we must stubbornly remain in Iraq for many, many years to come, Machiavelli would most certainly call the troops home. For, this faltering campaign--coupled with the growing disaster in Afghanistan--offends his principles gravely.

The president's last budget asked for $315 billion to support the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan over the next two years, and the Pentagon requested nearly $500 billion for the same campaigns. Despite this gross expenditure, our forces are losing ground to the Taliban, of all people--whom we supposedly dispatched in 2002--and to disparate, competing paramilitary groups in Iraq. To put it starkly, we expend over 3/4 of a trillion dollars in combating sub-national, third world forces. And struggle mightily against them. In point of fact, their 'Improvised Explosive Devices' devastate our technically sophisticated soldiers. We have been bombarded for several months now by the horrifying brain damage these 'Improvised' weapons wreak. With each spike in military spending, our humiliation grows.

Machiavelli would never stand for such humiliation. He was obsessed with political reputation, famously advising distasteful tactics for securing a good one. Above all, he insisted, sovereigns must exude military might, to pacify potential adversaries abroad and restless masses at home. What, one should ask, is the present perception of our 'military might' mired in Iraq and Afghanistan? Machiavelli would sputter about how we are becoming a laughingstock. How is this present military showing supposed to deter assaults on American interests and inspire domestic pride and confidence? Future foes are only encouraged and emboldened as we falter against far inferior armies.

This state of affairs is not the fault of our troops, but of the tacticians and sponsors of this war, rather. Why are we wasting resources on a war in Afghanistan, for example, which this administration either considers already lost, or has no intention of winning. What else are we to conclude when the Taliban is on the march, the heroin harvest reaches record highs, and yet the president reduces our presence in Afghanistan, transferring troops for the surge in Iraq? In this case, not only are we toiling for naught in Afghanistan, but we are actively constructing an image of incompetence. Those poor troops remaining in Afghanistan must accept the indignity of losing to the Taliban -- and barely hanging on in Kabul-- with the whole world looking on.

In his typical cynicism, Machiavelli asserts that it is perfectly natural and normal for princes to yearn for conquest, and they are praiseworthy when they succeed in conquest, and blameworthy when they fail. In other words, if you go to war, make sure you win, for if you don't, you lose a lot more than the war, but also your honor and security. Concretely, this means that we must henceforth refrain from halfhearted efforts in either of the present wars, and dedicate ourselves wholeheartedly to one or the other. Or alternately, this means that we must remove our soldiers, our contractors, our humvees, our camps and fortresses--anything emblazoned with the American flag--from the carnage in Iraq and Afghanistan that is televised across the globe (especially on Al Jazeera), transmitting our disgrace and weakness to any and all potential aggressors.

For, it is not so much hatred and anger that inspires enemies to attack the prince, Machiavelli maintains, but the perception that he is weak. In fact, such a perception multiplies the prince's adversaries, for it emboldens those who are merely greedy for power and attention. Simply put, the great offense of the present wars is, ironically, that they undermine this nation's dignity and fearsomeness--precisely what the Neo-Cons purported to reclaim and defend in the first place.

Firmin DeBrabander is a Professor of Philosophy at the Maryland Institute College of Art. Email:
[email protected]


Well-Known Member
NICE!!! Only I've been speculating that the loss of american credibility is not so important to these people as long as the military budget never falters. This is really machiavellian: it is better to be feared than loved...:twisted:


Well-Known Member
What a profoundly stupid, ignorant piece of dreck...the professor who wrote this article is obviously suffering from acute Bush Derangement syndrome, he is also a simpleton!

If JFK were alive today, he would, undoubtedly be a dread "neo-con"..*lol*

Jack and Bobby Kennedy had far more in common with today's neo-cons than any Democrat alive today, with the possible exception of Joe Lieberman. JFK was a passionate Cold War liberal, at a time when patriotism was not yet twisted into its opposite.........

A neocon is a liberal mugged by reality. Well, JFK was mugged by reality in more ways than one: By the death of brother Joe, by his own experiences in combat, and by his carefully hidden ailments. JFK actually resembled today's media's Satan Made Flesh, President George W. Bush, more than any Boomer Leftie now in a position of power. Would somebody please tell them?

Excerpts from:
American Thinker: JFK, neo-con.



New Member
What a profoundly stupid, ignorant piece of dreck...the professor who wrote this article is obviously suffering from acute Bush Derangement syndrome, he is also a simpleton!

If JFK were alive today, he would, undoubtedly be a dread "neo-con"..*lol*

Jack and Bobby Kennedy had far more in common with today's neo-cons than any Democrat alive today, with the possible exception of Joe Lieberman. JFK was a passionate Cold War liberal, at a time when patriotism was not yet twisted into its opposite.........

A neocon is a liberal mugged by reality. Well, JFK was mugged by reality in more ways than one: By the death of brother Joe, by his own experiences in combat, and by his carefully hidden ailments. JFK actually resembled today's media's Satan Made Flesh, President George W. Bush, more than any Boomer Leftie now in a position of power. Would somebody please tell them?

Excerpts from:
American Thinker: JFK, neo-con.
You are one demented Prick!


Well-Known Member
How does your post in any way deal with the perversion of the perception of JFK on the part of the victims of Bush Derangement Syndrome?
Hatred is a blinding and stupefying has seriously impaired any sense of logic you may have once possessed!


New Member
How does your post in any way deal with the perversion of the perception of JFK on the part of the victims of Bush Derangement Syndrome?
Hatred is a blinding and stupefying has seriously impaired any sense of logic you may have once possessed!
Logic, Logic, you ain't got no stinkin logic. You draw some perverted comparison with JFK and then ask me how my post deals with that perversion. I think you've lost those last two marbles that were rattling around in your "brain" pan. My God man, are you that full of yourself? Chill out. Maybe you should start smokin schwag.


New Member
If it weren't for personal attacks, would liberals have to resort to admitting the truth? :roll:



New Member
My, what a grown-up thing to say in a debate.

You always react like that to people who hold different opinions?
I guess you missed the part where he dissed me eh? I'm as grown up as anyone on this site. I just don't like being called Childish and immature for my viewpoints so I respond in kind. I've probably seen more life than you can even imagine, so go fuck yourself, how's that, grown up enough for ya? There are some posts that don't deserve a rebuttal except fuck off, and yours is one.


New Member
I repeat:

If it weren't for personal attacks, would liberals have to resort to admitting the truth? :roll:
