Neighbours threatening police


Well-Known Member
heres a method that i coined for drying your herb...

get a shoe box ,and a hair dryer... cut a hole in one end to fit the hair dryer in... then put holes (evenly disspersed)on the other side so the hot air can come out... place h.d in the hole and cut on...stop every once in a while to check and see how the drying process is ,and so you dont burn it... get a carbon can in the room, and voila, in about 20 minutes takin my time i cure it pretty good ,and its ready to smoke.

i like to do it on low heat so i can have some kind of "juicyness" in the herb.

then vaccum seal and dip bag in isopropyl alcohol to remove smell from out side, and now your storing your good so no "pesky" neighbors will know your business....


hope this helps bro.


Well-Known Member
You need a herb dryer. Don't have the link but Panhead has a 40 buck herb dryer DIY, sounds like you could use it. Put it in your growroom you know the room that has a CARBON FILTER in it.


Well-Known Member
if you wanna risk it buy a cheap electric space heater and put it in a small closet with your buds hanging. i dryed my whole crop once in 2 days using this method. had the room at 100 degrees F for 2 days

not an ideal way to do it but the smoke got me high as f

but yea, maybe these people dont want to call the cops but will if you dont cut that shit out. they may have teenage kids or somthing and are fed up with this kind of stuff to the point where they will call cops on you if they ever smell it again.


Well-Known Member
Damn, that sucks. I love living in the woods. Neareast neighbor is 1/2 mile away. I still have to use carbon tho, Company, etc..

But if one did come visit me with that info....I would have to pack it up asap also. As im a newbie on here, so I'm not too sure about the drying. Hasn't been a problem where I live. Best of luck!


Well-Known Member
can you freeze buds?

like could he just freeze the buds until he found someplace or some method to dry his buds ?

Freezing wet bud would be a very bad idea. Freezing things with a low moisture content works well and has little effect on the molecular structure. But if you freeze something with a lot of water in it you run into big problems. The freezing water expands and literaly explodes the cell it is in. Not a problem for beef stew, but probably not very good for your thc molecules.


Active Member
Cleared everything out last night and got bud hidden well. Thanks to everyone for the advice. If cops come now they'll find nothing and guess what? I've just discovered that the neighbour in question has no tax on their car - people in glass houses!!!!!


Active Member
I dunno what the tax thing on the car means cause I'm not from your country but you should inconspicuously let them know that you know about it.. see if it's an unspoken knowledge then it's scarier then one that you have argued over.. And if you hide your shit then hide it up high where sniffer dogs can't get to.. If your cuffed in the back of a car then screaming about their tax free car won't do you any good either...


Well-Known Member
Once in a pinch I dried my weed in a plastic bamboo style blind. Just rolled it up inside and leaned it against the garage, under the lots of air, warm in sun without sweating and the smell was almost none existent....kind of a hide in plain sight thing.........

Mr Green Man

Well-Known Member
You could water cure.

No smell from that.

7 days later and it's ready to jar. Looks a bit wierd but it works and the smoke is good.


Well-Known Member
Cleared everything out last night and got bud hidden well. Thanks to everyone for the advice. If cops come now they'll find nothing and guess what? I've just discovered that the neighbour in question has no tax on their car - people in glass houses!!!!!
Thats the last thing you should be thinking about,letting people think they have won a victory over you makes them feel powerfull,if they dont smell it any longer they will think they've won,if you push the tax issue or even mention it now you've got a sworn enemy,they've allready proven that they are shit heads even when they are not provoked in any way.

If your going to provoke them be prepared for what will surely follow,weak people who are provoked feel threatened, then they lash out in every way they can all at once.

Let it go & fix it on your end.

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
Of course Panhead is totally right. But it still wouldnt stop me from wanting very badly to put a flaming bag of crap on the hood of that car.:evil:
Thats the last thing you should be thinking about,letting people think they have won a victory over you makes them feel powerfull,if they dont smell it any longer they will think they've won,if you push the tax issue or even mention it now you've got a sworn enemy,they've allready proven that they are shit heads even when they are not provoked in any way.

If your going to provoke them be prepared for what will surely follow,weak people who are provoked feel threatened, then they lash out in every way they can all at once.

Let it go & fix it on your end.


Well-Known Member
Sounds to me like you neighbors are real assholes. Im glad i live in the Pines:-) And for christ sake it's just weed. God sometimes people baffle me. People like your fuckin neighbors. I would throw eggs at there house.



Well-Known Member
Sounds to me like you neighbors are real assholes. Im glad i live in the Pines:-) And for christ sake it's just weed. God sometimes people baffle me. People like your fuckin neighbors. I would throw eggs at there house.

i know its a plant ,and the only reason its illegal is because a gorvenrment said so...big whoop.
last time i checked i had free will according to god, and part of my free will is choosing to smoke mary-jane.

now if im at home by my self smoking, who am i hurting, what am i doing so wrong that i need to be in jail with rapist,murderers,psychopaths,etc...

apparently to the gov getting high of a plant is no better than raping or being a pedophile, your all treated the same.

watch reefer madness, thatll let ya know.


Well-Known Member
I'd clean up shop and get a new location if your gonna continue. b/c once your suspected or worse busted then it will effect your operation now and in the future. just pack all your gear up and ask a close friend to hold on to it till you figure shit out dry that bud ASAP(too new cant help you there) but I would suspect a big juicy pig is gonna be sniffin around your property soon and if they smell anything, you better believe they will get a warant. DUDE AND BUY A CARBON FILTER


Well-Known Member
This is what i use for emergency Oder control HYDROPONICS-ADVANCED-NUTRIENTS Uvonair Ozonator 5000 - eBay (item 270189285751 end time Jun-17-08 05:02:59 PDT) This will get rid of ANY ODOR Quickly. They come in different sizes. This one does up to 5,000 cubic ft. I also use a carbon filter in my flowering room. I hang my buds in my flowering room with the carbon filter for a week and then put my next batch of clones in my room. You can use a food dehydrator to dry your buds fast. I would definintly chill out for a while and move everything.
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