Neigbours are harassing me


Well-Known Member
All you need to do is go upstairs and get your camera on your phone in video mode and set it up so it can see you and him at the doorway to their apartment. Knock on the door and tell them they have 24 hours to remove all of their belongings from your property or you will be forced to throw it in the trash or sell it. If they get belligerent just act cool and calm. Tell them you WILL do it if they don't comply. Hopefully he will make a threat to you something like " If you throw my shit away i will kill your ass". You now have irrefutable proof of assault, take your vid phone down to the police and let them have a look. He will be arrested for assault and you can go and throw their shit away. If they do it again after he gets out of jail, then he goes back in. They will learn right quick not to fuck with you. There isn't much you can do about them talking in their own home.

Remember the threat of violence is ASSAULT. If they touch you its assault AND battery


Well-Known Member

what do they have in your storage place?
If its anything worth something take it or sell it.