%&#@ neem


Active Member
Sup guys...

so, I just did a noob thing and misted my plants with neem oil, while my lights are on (3rd week of flowering)

i realized my mistake and so i sprayed with straight water to try to wash it off a bit...

am I fucked?

if my plants fry, is it gonna affect the thc-content/yield?

i sprayed them pretty good with water... but the prob is, i sprayed the underside of the leaves with neem too, took fuckin ages...

thanks for the help, still new to this


Active Member
you sure dude??

i read soemwhere that neem oil will magnify the light, and burn your plants to smitherines... ahaha...

well, this is the 3rd time i've used it, and they look alright still... SOME leaves look ehat burned but mostly they are fine

jus' want to make sure that i'm not going to shoot myself in the foot


Active Member
yea i did... they are fuckin strong lights... its just temporery setup, but i have 2 1000-watt lights... 1 metal hide, one sodium... the lights are about 3 feet over the plants (as high as i can put them right now)


Well-Known Member
yea i did... they are fuckin strong lights... its just temporery setup, but i have 2 1000-watt lights... 1 metal hide, one sodium... the lights are about 3 feet over the plants (as high as i can put them right now)

or....turn them off.