neem oil


Well-Known Member
how do i mix this stuff? if i get pure neem oil, do i just mixx it in a gallon of water or what?


Active Member
Depends on the brand... follow the label, it has different mixes for different plants..
if not already infested, follow the mix for strawberries-- if infested, go with the one for fruit trees....
HOWEVER: IMO- re-spray the plants in 3 days with a mix of water and a few drops of Dawn or Ivory dish soap...
NEEM can "clog-up" the leaves on an indoor grow.. outdoors- they get washed off by the rain, so it isn't a big deal, but indoors, rinsing them off not only removes the neem, but the mild soap water is an added deterrent to mites/thrips and adds some humidity to environment for a short time... another deterrent to mites!

*P.S.... NEVER spray your plants with the lights on!!! spray either 1 hour before they come on, or just as they turn off.. make SURE your air circulation is adequate to dry the plants in an hour to 90 minutes to avoid fungus--- but having wet plants under lights WILL give you burned plants!!!


Well-Known Member
Great points from others. Wanted to add you want to make sure the neem oil is cold pressed and use a wetting agent like cocowet so your spray will adhere to the foliage.


Well-Known Member
ok i got azmax but cant find anything on soil application. so i made a strong dose, sprayed soild very well, then turned top layer of soiland sprayed again. hope this works


I also bought some cold pressed neem oil and have used it will great results. I used 1 table spoon per gallon of water. If you leave the bottle of neem oil in a warm place it will pour easier and like wise add the tble spoon of oil to a container first, then add "warm" water. I used about two drops of Dawn dish soap which is what your suppossed to do to break the oil up and makes it apply evenly to your plant. Dawn dish soap was the usual brand to use.
Like the other person mentioned apply before lights out as the droplets will magnify the light and burn the leaf surface. I used this stuff outdoors as the grass hoppers were small (nymph stage) and don't expect it to work full throttle right away. Once it absorbs into the plant it becomes more efficient as insects wont eat the leafy materials. Some people do a root drench, I never have as my once a week application worked well right up until flowering
time. At flowering stage the plant seemed to have enough natural protection built up. There was no strange taste or effect from using neem oil, but I didn'tapply to the buds while full flowering. Azamax also is a great product as it has "dish soap" added, or whatever emoluant added. They claim the same great effects with no taste up until harvesting. I tend to use the cold pressed neem oil (cheaper) to spray ground areas around my plants as added protection, azamax next year for sure during early flowering. I read this also is good for mold/mildew protection also. The stuff really works.