Neem Oil


Active Member
Something has been nibbling at my leaves, is it ok to use neem oil while my plant is in veg? I wouldn't want to to wait until it flowers and spray the buds.


Well-Known Member
I got an organic pesticide which contains Neem Oil, Stevia, Citronella and Apple glucose.. works wonders against most insects.. you could look for a pesticide with citronella or other organic compounds if only Neem doesnt work for you.


Well-Known Member
Neem is great, you use about 1 teaspoon per quart of cold pressed neem, and something to emulsify it, like a wetting agent, some potassium silicate, or a couple of drops of dish soap. It can take multiple applications to take care of your issue. You should also continue to spray with it weekly until buds form.


Well-Known Member
I heard the sprays with extract of neem oil don't work as well?
Azamax is one of those. It's expensive but using it with mosquito dunks knocks down most of the nuisance insects. By itself, it works pretty good.

Understand that most insecticide that's safe on cannabis isn't the end all. The fine line between safety and eradication means you'll lower the insect population but not get rid of them completely.

Keeping the insects at their lowest population is the key.