Needs more light!


Well-Known Member
New photos everyone. The reflective material you see on the wall is actually an automotive windshield reflector. So far so good with everything. My blueberry is a bit droopy. I moved it out of the way of the fan so the others could build there stems and because I am slightly concerned for the root system. It seems quite wobbly for its age. Cant quite figure out why this is so I'm going to try to fix it through a process of elimination.

White Widows are in front, Blueberry is back right and Bag seed is back left.



Well-Known Member
Been a while since I updated this. Been trying to fix my blueberry bush.

My white widow has exploded. My mystery plant is quickly catching up as well. Things are going incredibly well so far.

Any question's, comment's and concern's are more then welcome as always.



Well-Known Member
Wonderful news everyone! It appears as though my Blueberry bush is pre-flowering! I'm 95% sure they are female pre-flower's! This is truly exciting news!

I am so excited because of the taste that this plant is going to give me when smoking. The bag I picked it from tasted exactly like blueberry's. Not somewhat like, not could have possibly been, but was definitely the taste of blueberries! Man this is absolutely thrilling!


Well-Known Member
Even more good news. It appears as though 1 of my 2 white widows is starting to show female pre-flower's as well!

Today I plan on going to the pet store and picking up 2 UVB lights as an experiment. I have heard that adding UVB to the later flowering stages helps to produce more THC in your trich's. Seeing as they are 26 watts and the CFL's I will be using to flower are 26 watts, I should suffer no significant lightning loss using 2 of these in place of the 26 watt, 2700k CFL's I was planning on using anyway.


Well-Known Member
How long do you plan on vegging? I have a feeling that when you go to 12/12 your droopyness will dissappear. It happened to me once. I was shining TOO much light on them and they where drooping down shying away from it! You do have a LOT of lights on her! A possibility.


Well-Known Member
I have taken the number of lights into consideration but I do not believe this is an issue. If it was I believe all the plants would all be doing the exact same thing. After I pH'ed the run off water at 4.0 I am fairly certain that it was a build up of salt's and old nutrients.

And yes, looking into my closet is like staring into the sun lol. It is ultra bright in there.

On a side note I picked up 2, 26 watt, 10.0 UVB lights today for 17 dollars a piece. Each bulb has an effective range of about 20 inches or about 1 foot 8 inches for the measurement challenged. I think one of these on each side of my closet should fit the bill quite nicely.

I will began flowering in about 2 weeks. I would like all the plants to show pre-flowers before I begin to flower them. I hear that if you allow them to pre-flower instead of forcing them to flower outside of maturity then there is a higher likelyhood of them going male or even hermi. Wether or not this is true, I cannot say, but so far 2 of 4 plants are female so I think Ill keep doing what I'm doing.


Well-Known Member
I have taken the number of lights into consideration but I do not believe this is an issue. If it was I believe all the plants would all be doing the exact same thing. After I pH'ed the run off water at 4.0 I am fairly certain that it was a build up of salt's and old nutrients.

And yes, looking into my closet is like staring into the sun lol. It is ultra bright in there.

On a side note I picked up 2, 26 watt, 10.0 UVB lights today for 17 dollars a piece. Each bulb has an effective range of about 20 inches or about 1 foot 8 inches for the measurement challenged. I think one of these on each side of my closet should fit the bill quite nicely.

I will began flowering in about 2 weeks. I would like all the plants to show pre-flowers before I begin to flower them. I hear that if you allow them to pre-flower instead of forcing them to flower outside of maturity then there is a higher likelyhood of them going male or even hermi. Wether or not this is true, I cannot say, but so far 2 of 4 plants are female so I think Ill keep doing what I'm doing.
nice set up, i'll be watching. i'm trying another grow with soil this time and i keep looking for good insight. :peace:


Well-Known Member
looks like your tubes on the side are way to far away to be effective they should be about 3 inches away at the most 4 is pushing it


Well-Known Member
I have since moved it down. Please, please, please ignore the identification spikes. I got them for free. :-| Green is White Widow, Blue is Blueberry and Orange is mystery. I don't believe I flushed my blueberry adequately enough the last time. I plan to flush it again except this time with a nutrient solution as soon as the soil dries out enough to do so. All my other plants are doing exceptionally well. My larger white widow does have some downward pointing on the tips of the leaves but no browning or any sign of nutrient burn. I don't know why its doing this exactly. Maybe you guys have some insight.



Well-Known Member
Stepped down the lighting from 20/4 to 18/6 today. Hopefully this will start to make the others pre-flower. Some photos from earlier today. At around 5 when the lights come on I plan on feeding them all a 1/2 strength nutrient solution.

On a side note my sobriety has come to a temporary end. Last night I was offered an opportunity to go to a coworkers house and light up with him. Had some very respectable bud I might add. First time for me using a bubbler. I very much enjoyed myself.



Well-Known Member
Watered them and made sure water did come out the bottom so I don't have any blueberry repeat issues. Added some top soil to the blueberry pot. After watering roots were showing and I didn't want to add any nutrient enriched soil to the mix so I just added about an inch of top soil all the way around. Also had to do a little bit of weeding. Some random seed was in the mix and started sprouting today. Yanked it as soon as I saw it.

Photo flood for you guys. Please do enjoy!



Well-Known Member
Hi Snyder. I'm wondering...after you watered did you happen to test the Ph of the runoff out the bottom? I ask because I'm a LITTLE concerned about the plant in the 1st picture. And I love a good mystery. :) Its curled down pretty good. Its still not too happy about somthing? I think its Ph related but I'm not sure. I had a plant that did the exact same thing but before i could figure out what the deal was it showed balls( it was a male) and I threw it out. I didn't have a Ph tester at the time.


Well-Known Member
Its from the box fan I have pointed at them. It curls the leaves over on themselves but after the leaves grow out larger they appear normal. Has done this since the beginning. pH was around 5.8. Everything from my end is spot on :).


Well-Known Member
My plants are doing so well. With only one in pre-flower the smell is already over powering my ozone generator. I went out to the movies tonight and I opened my front door the scent from my plants was incredibly potent. Looks like I need to buy a carbon filter and an inline fan. How many CFM fan would the more experienced growers recommend for a 2 foot by 2 foot by 7 foot tall closet.