NEEDING HELP ON: CAP EBB & FLOW System ( Looking for quick tips)


Well-Known Member
Hello everyone, im an expert soil grower, and just ugraded to an CAP EBB AND FLOW sytem with a resivoir

I have 2 Gallow pots, one top pot that i need to fill completely with hydroton(Its not a net pot) and a bottom pot that i set the first one in to circulate the water.

Well my question is:

How do i grow a plant in a bucket full of hydroton(seems impractical)?

Im really looking for a pictorial, and please dont tell me to google it, i did, NO ONE gives you step by step instructions. If you can find me a thread on RIU, hit me up with it.

Help me get started without feeling like a noob.


Rebel From The North
Johan i would be more than happy to walk you through it! Although i dont post pics anymore i still have a brain full of
info to spread to all ebb and grow users.