Needing advise on deficiency


I have a strain called Silver leaf mind fuck. They are my first clones from my mother's seeds. They are in I think 3-4g bucket using roots organics 707 super soil mixed with growers gold.
Room temp 72 night
79 day
Humidity around 50-60
One plant started show deficiency with yellowing Lower leaves and stock turning red reaching up and leafs clawing down folding in. My other plants are starting to do the same. I have flushed and added bushdoctors boomerang to help with what deficiency it has but the plant seems to keep going down hill. Yeld looks nice but im worried because I still have a ways to go in flower. I think it might be manganese any ideas thanks. Here's some pics of most of the plants.

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Also some of the leafs feel crispy not soft like they should be.

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