Need to turn lights off for 24-36 hours

Yo guys. On my second auto grow. Started 4 auto purple strains on 6/21. Taking the wife to the city to stay for a night in late July. Will likely be about to switch over to HPS light at the time. I'm having a family member stay the night with my dogs and am gonna need to have my lights off for about 24-36 hours. I also have the option to put the girls outside on my deck with some veggies but preferred not to have to. Was wondering if this will stunt or hurt my girls? Any advice is appreciated.


Well-Known Member
That short of time won't affect it...setting her outside would be a little less stressful IMO
what's the current light schedule?
@Walter...still running 24/7 at the moment. going to start them on 20/4 in the next few days. it would likely be a little over 24 hours that i'd be gone if that's how i choose to go. but as you said it's probably less stressful to just put em in the sun.
@diet 400 watt hps/mh is adjustable (50%, 75%, or 100%) but it's either darkness for 24 or they can go outside. hate to risk bringing in a bug from my veggies but rather than that than stress the girls out.


Active Member
with autos its crucial that you dont stress them, especially when there "vegging." I had a few autos that i forgot to water before i left for a 3 day trip and when i came back they were way underwatered obviously and were very very sad looking. they did recover but man did it affect my yield! i got like half and ounce out of each girl.....and im under a 600whps :/ so i would highly advise to put her outside or under SOME sort of light