Need Thoughts On Some Good Soil And Good Fertilizer


Active Member
Hey everyone if you dont mind will you share what your opinion on good soil or good fertilizer Thank You

Mr.Therapy Man

Well-Known Member
Fox farms oceans forest mixed with 20% worm castings.Earth juice,fox farm or pure blend nutes all work good for starters.Pure blend is ph and ppm balanced so it might be the best .....peace


Active Member
Fox farms oceans forest mixed with 20% worm castings.Earth juice,fox farm or pure blend nutes all work good for starters.Pure blend is ph and ppm balanced so it might be the best .....peace

This is what most people will tell you to use. +rep therapy

Advanced nutrients are very good but with any nute, use at least half strength at first. There is a ton of info on this site and others about it and soil. Do some reading! Good luck

Mr.Therapy Man

Well-Known Member
I fish at the church boat ramp right outside Rogersville all the time.I was the carpenter foreman inside TN.Eastman for almost ten years.Were pretty fucking close my friend,I live within 30 minutes of rogersville ........peace


Active Member
i do too which way out of rogersville you live ? sneedville kingsport greenville or morristown ?

Mr.Therapy Man

Well-Known Member
I did something crazy and met someone off this site at the knoxville hrdro store.I gave him a new 600 ballast and cool tube and we exchanged cuttings.He gave me Larry OG and seedsman White widow and I gave him trainwreck and both phenos of opium.We plan on meeting again this week and Ive got him a JTR and Space Bomb clone and hes got me a Kali mist clone.I met a real good dude and hes one hell of a grower and family man........peace


Active Member
kool lol wish i could meet someone like that i have been looking for some good feminized seed and would love to have some white widow or jus anything as far as that goes lol but dont want to order them from the internet its just people around here dont really care that much for their plants im kinda new to growing and am doing an outdoor grow next year that i am trying to prepare for everything now :) thats why i asked what a good fertilizer and good soils lol :)


Active Member
kool lol my parents have been helping me on my last few groes... my parents split last year and now i have one helping at their house while the other is helping at theirs lol so more plants and still get to see them the same lol

Mr.Therapy Man

Well-Known Member
I run pig shit outdoors a d Ive grown plants over 15 feet tall useing pig shit.I saw my brother in law grow one that was 21 ft with nothing but piles of pig poop.I just use a little dureing the first part of vegging outside and it grows some large trees.Pig shit is getting hard to find anymore.Ive turned soil that would not grow anything into a pretty rich medium useing pig shit.Some people say its crazy but the results speak for themselves.I cant carry bags of soil in on these grows on wood lots inside the city limits so I just carry a little poo.Your out in the country you should be able to grow pretty good size patches except for the fact that fucking hawkins county has their own weed copter,I dont know how good the pilot is but that THP guy is spot on,Ive seen that bastard find 3 an 4 plants.......peace

Mr.Therapy Man

Well-Known Member
As far as ordering seeds off the internet from here Ive got seven orders in the last three years and have two more comeing now.Dont sweat buying seeds they have more shit to worry about than beans......peace


Well-Known Member
this is good info dood! pig poopoo?! who would of thought! i live in a city type place but my bakyard goes to a mayb 70 75 foot slope, not too steep tho. but i was gunna throw sum babies out there next season. but i hav no outdoor xperience, i got 1 main question, fer five plants, how big of an area would i need to churn???

Mr.Therapy Man

Well-Known Member
It depends on how big and tall they can get .If your looking for monsters outside Id say at least6 or 8 ft on center but I crowd a bunch of smaller plants into a small are for a larger yield.Some people just like a few trees but IM growing clones outside so I have to crowd them together and clones dont yeild like seeds do.


Active Member
all the plants i have are spread out real good i live in a valley and have like 4 on one side and 3 on the other. 1 plant about every 5o feet lol. plus i have a place about 6 miles from my house that one of my family members used to live in and its in the middle of nowhere so its a great spot to grow :) im puttin 15 plants down there :)