Need strain advice...


Well-Known Member
I stopped growing all togetherand smoking a few years ago. I'm looking into growing a Sativa, which I've never done before. I'm looking for a strain that can with hold up to 40c degrees as it gets here in Oz, maybe something new... and also medium sized height. Last time I ordered I think I used .... does anyone from Oz have any recommendations for online shop? (PM me if you don't want to post in this thread).

I'm just not into that lazy couch lock stone anymore... need something that doesn't get me down. I really do want to smoke it medicinally, as I start to question life and think philosophically if I have too much, a joint on a nice walk or before bed of my own organic sativa - mmhmmm.

Cheers forum.



Well-Known Member
Mon likes green crack, its a medium size plant but heavy yield and it handles cold and heat pretty well and finishes faster than most other sativas mon has grown.....altho mon does believe that it is 20% indica and 80 % sativa.