need some suggestions!


Active Member
Well, as the title suggests I need some help from my fellow RUIers. A buddy of mine has a beautiful plant, about 5'tall, planted in his garden. Paranoia has set in, and he wants it moved tonight, or hes trashing the whole thing. I'm gonna have to dig it up, is there a rule of thumb for how deep/wide to dig? it's in the very early stages of flower, so I'm assuming I'm taking a risk of it going hermy do to all the stress it's about to go through. Also, can it lay on it's side for like 20 minutes during the drive home or is that too detrimental to it? Any tips/advice?


Active Member
Why don't you top a foot off and clone that and let him worry about the plant it's self?

Very early into flower.. take some big clones and work it..

Just one guy's thoughts.. a big clone might grow quicker than snapping a dug up outdoor plant (with extensive roots) out of the shock you will certainly cause.

Just one guy's immediate thoughts anyway.


Active Member
With the super big cuttings, just make sure to keep them out of any direct sunlight.. off the side of a non sunny window is good for a few days.. just hanging out in a regular room with the light on far away (so it still knows it is day) at night. THey will almost always take if you don't rush them and give them only 'enough' light to make them mad.


Well-Known Member
Damn, seems like a tough operation to pull off. All I can recommend is not doing any sort of topping or stress training, if you can avoid it, until it seems like she has settled into her new home. You are going to damage roots, no question about that. Dig deeeeeep and put the rootball in some sort of burlap sack or something while in transport. I'm not sure about the whole hermie from stress thing, but there is definitely a good chance of her getting shocked to the point of non-recovery. She is also going to mad from being moved from the super powerful sun to a indoor bulb that just cant compete. Good luck, hopefully it all works out.

EDIT- I also like the guy above me's idea of just taking some large cuttings.


Active Member
thanks guys, ya I know its a long shot, but wow it's just too beautiful to not try! I'll definitely take some clones just in case it doesn't snap outta the stress. heres a pic of itme and plant.jpg


Well-Known Member
Wrap the entire plant in a blanket if its going to be exposed to the wind during the car ride...those plants windburn easily...I would take the entire plant if it was me...g/l


Active Member
Wrap the entire plant in a blanket if its going to be exposed to the wind during the car ride...those plants windburn easily...I would take the entire plant if it was me...g/l
ya I'm borrowing a van for the operation haha. I just have to try and do it ya know. I'm on my to Canadian tire to grab a large Rubbermaid probably 40 gallon, and we'll see how it goes. I'll document it with pics and post them later. Should be doing it in about 4 hours.