Need Some Opinions on a Strange Plant.


I have a auto flower (60 day wonder), it was planted the same time as another auto (la diva), the la diva is almost one full cola after this being about day 70 (from seed). The 60 day is what I am triped out by. It started out growing slow and alot of yellow leaves that died and at one point I thought I had lost it. Untill one day when it started to bud on top. Did really great on top but almost nothing on the bottom. To the point that the bud on top was pulling it over. The bottom started to grow new leaves and started to bud also. The bud on the top looks ready. I am even starting to loose some fan leaves. They are turning brown and dying. I am affraid with them dying in the bud I am going to be smoking dead leaves in my top bud. The bottom bud is still growing strong. Do you think I could cut the top bud and keep leting the bottom bud grow? Or will this send the plant into irreversable shock? I'm lost please help I have never run into this. Thank you


Well-Known Member
you can absolutely cut the top cola(if its ready to be cut of course) and allow the lower buds to further develop.
Some people do cut the top off and let the other grow. The answer is yes you can do that. Even if it goes into shock it will come back a few days later. What kind of water are you using,what soil, what lights. Always remember the more you fuck with a plant the less chances of a good grow. Some people like to touch their buds and play around with their plants. The more you play with it the more resin you loose. If your plant is happy with what you are doing leave the damn thing alone.


Well-Known Member
I'd cut off the top and leave the rest to mature IF you have the room to do so. I wouldn't waste space on a odd growing half plant if I had another plant all ready and waiting for a spot under the 12/12 lamp.
Just my opinion though.
Happy smoking.
Even if you just cut or pull a yellow leaf off do everything on the same day. Don't cut or pull something on one day then do it again the next day. Give the plant time to recover. Everytime you do something it will shock your plant and it takes time to recover.