Need some info on nutes


Active Member
I have started my grow and it is going good. They are about 2 weeks old and I was going to start adding nutes in a couple of weeks. I have 5 plants growing under a 150 hps with 10 23 watt 6500k cfls surrounding the plants. They are in ocean forest soil and I have botanicare grow and bloom. I am going to get cal-mag and superthrive, but what else is a good additive for bloom enhancment. I would like to keep it organic, but may forego that for more yield. Any input would be great.


Black strap molasses is a good additive anytime! I use 1/2-1 tsp per gallon. Are you going to use superthrive during flower? I have never used superthrive but I have heard that you don't want to use it during bloom. Apparantly it makes the plants put their effort into growing instead of budding. I was inquiring about it myself and the guy at my grow store told me only to use superthrive during cloning/seedling phase and then first couple weeks of veg. I don't know if this is true or not though, only hear say. Anyone know for sure?


Active Member
Thanks for the quick response. I really am not sure, but I am putting in an order to htg supply so I will probably just get that for my next grow if that is the case. Any one else on this or a bloom additive.


FYI, HTG is NOT the place to buy nutes! They charge full MSRP and inflate their shipping! Get your nutes elsewhere. I just found This place called garden depot and they have good deals on nutes AND EVERYTHING ELSE! Also check your local grow store. Nutes are heavy. I find after shipping, my local grow store is almost always a better deal than anywhere online. HTG is good for cheap lights and mylar and accessories, just not nutes!