Need some help with running time for mister aeroponic/hydroponic setup HELP!

I am pretty new too all this so yea I am a noob but I just recently finished my first ever soil grow and it turned out great so now I upgraded to a hydroponi/aeroponic tub I just need to know if 30mins 4 times a day running the misters is ok I know to leave airstones running 24/7 and also how often should i change resevoir water or if anyone else has a better time thanks..


Active Member
The times sound alright but that also depends on the height and weight of the plant to for watering. As far as changing the resevoir ive heard some people change it every 2 weeks. I cant be sure. im about to upgrade from soild to hydro myself. Mainly check your ph levels in your water and make sure you dont have any alge growing. Sorry I can give better advice but im still a noob to hydro. I still have problems with seeds growing after they have been germinated. Someone else will give you better advice just give it time.