Need Some Advice Please


These ladies are a month in growth in Miracle Grow Potting Mix ( i know not to use this stuff now). Last few days these brown and white spots have been showing up and now a leaf has a hole in it. Haven't used any nutes yet wasn't sure if I should get soil or hydro type nutes. Please help.

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Well-Known Member
Hi how are you today? Any chance those are water spots that dried on it? Nutrients are a dime a dozen, I use Jacks Classic 20-20-20 in veg and I use MaxSea Seaweed based bloom food 3-20-20, plus molassas for bacteria feeding in the soil, and cal mag plus additive with iron. I also use Kelp Juice from seed to harvest for extra boosts of nutrition. Do some keyword searching for nutrients I think you will see everyone has a favorite they use. I have been looking into Remos brand of nutrients lately, just have not really decided to change what works well for me. A little shot of my JB x Engineers Dream I just took down from Breeders Boutique. Hope this helped a little.


Well-Known Member
Looks like you've spilt/splashed the leafs with something ....doesn't look like much of a big deal ...just be a lil more careful when you feeding them and you should be alright ....there obviously different plants/strains with the same issue so I wouldn't be to worried just be a lil more careful .....GL


Hi how are you today? Any chance those are water spots that dried on it? Nutrients are a dime a dozen, I use Jacks Classic 20-20-20 in veg and I use MaxSea Seaweed based bloom food 3-20-20, plus molassas for bacteria feeding in the soil, and cal mag plus additive with iron. I also use Kelp Juice from seed to harvest for extra boosts of nutrition. Do some keyword searching for nutrients I think you will see everyone has a favorite they use. I have been looking into Remos brand of nutrients lately, just have not really decided to change what works well for me. A little shot of my JB x Engineers Dream I just took down from Breeders Boutique. Hope this helped a little.
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I had been spraying them with water but had no idea it would cause this. The water at the tap is around 11-12 and after filter its 6-7. I picked up some FF nutes and will wait till they are dry to feed. Thanks for the tips.


Looks like you've spilt/splashed the leafs with something ....doesn't look like much of a big deal ...just be a lil more careful when you feeding them and you should be alright ....there obviously different plants/strains with the same issue so I wouldn't be to worried just be a lil more careful .....GL
Yeah I spray watered them when the room was at like 80. Thanks for the tips.


Active Member
I tried but they seem to be perm.
Hmm if you cant clean it may not be from the water you sprayed but if there are no other similar spots developing in the plant you are probably safe.
Let us know if new spots like this develop... the other cause for white spots could be some kind of mold but if you stop the foliar feeding and if you have the proper humidity you should be more than fine.


Hmm if you cant clean it may not be from the water you sprayed but if there are no other similar spots developing in the plant you are probably safe.
Let us know if new spots like this develop... the other cause for white spots could be some kind of mold but if you stop the foliar feeding and if you have the proper humidity you should be more than fine.
I am almost certain it was the water I used. Gotta figure out how to be able to either keep my room cool or fix the water so I can use it without this happening.

Pete Townshend

Well-Known Member
.Looks like the miracle grow soil is keeping that plant feed pretty well for now. Be careful with your feeding not to burn your plants.

Do you remember what specific miracle grow potting mix you used?


.Looks like the miracle grow soil is keeping that plant feed pretty well for now. Be careful with your feeding not to burn your plants.

Do you remember what specific miracle grow potting mix you used?
I plan to use 2/3 the recommended dosage. What do you think? Thanks for the tips.

Pete Townshend

Well-Known Member
I plan to use 2/3 the recommended dosage. What do you think? Thanks for the tips.
That soil I don't believe has the time release nutes, which is good, but I could be wrong. I use something similar for seedlings which is the Burpee Organic Potting mix. I use Fox Farm Ocean Forrest soil with added perlite normally as well as Fox Farm Tiger Bloom and Big Bloom. I don't even bother with veg nutes as the soil has enough to get a plant through 4-6 weeks in a 5 gallon container.

As far as my nute schedule goes I really don't have one. I feed half strength Tiger Bloom and full strength Big Bloom once every 2-3 waterings at most. That's just me though, as everyone's method is different.


That soil I don't believe has the time release nutes, which is good, but I could be wrong. I use something similar for seedlings which is the Burpee Organic Potting mix. I use Fox Farm Ocean Forrest soil with added perlite normally as well as Fox Farm Tiger Bloom and Big Bloom. I don't even bother with veg nutes as the soil has enough to get a plant through 4-6 weeks in a 5 gallon container.

As far as my nute schedule goes I really don't have one. I feed half strength Tiger Bloom and full strength Big Bloom once every 2-3 waterings at most. That's just me though, as everyone's method is different.
I have the Fox Farm Grow Big which I think is for Veg and plan to get some Tiger Bloom later for flower. I'm thinking they will go at least another 4-5 weeks in veg maybe less if they grow fast which they have been. I will probably feed them with FFGB once and feed them again with FFTB after 1 week in flower. Any thoughts?