Need short plants , for indoor growing


Active Member
i know there is alot of ways to get them the plants short but what is the most naturally short strain? from your experience i mean


Well-Known Member
Dutch Dragon is a short plant. Indoor indica/sativa strain. I vegged for 5 weeks and now in the 5th week of flower with 4 to go. She's loaded with crystally buds and sits only 21 inches tall. She got bushy though.


Active Member
Dutch Dragon is a short plant. Indoor indica/sativa strain. I vegged for 5 weeks and now in the 5th week of flower with 4 to go. She's loaded with crystally buds and sits only 21 inches tall. She got bushy though.
Can you post some pics?


Well-Known Member
Dutch Dragon is the one on the right in the 1st picture. Strawberry Cough is on the left. Both of the other pics are the Dutch Dragon. The pics were taken at the end of 4 weeks flowering. That was 5 days ago. She's getting crystals on the leaves also.

