Need second opinion!!! PICS!!!!


Well-Known Member
A little history on these two. Both flowered after 2 weeks of veg, both female. Turned the lights back to 18/6 to veg a little longer, and have had serious problems ever since. I'm using FF O.F soil, FF Liquid Nutes. Run off ph is 6.8, I gave them a good flush right when I started noticing some yellowing/blackening of some of the leaves. I fed lightly with nutes after the flush, and they arent pulling out of it, The leaves go from Yellow to yellow with dying areas to dead in a few days. Its on old and new growth. What else could It be. Humidity has been 30-50% Mist the leaves every other day. Temps are steady 70 at lights off 80 at lights on. What should I do?



Well-Known Member
looks like stress from going to flower, then back to 18/6, and i bet your nutes are burning the spots for you. you got a great nutritional soil, and feeding them too. flush again, this time, no feeding afterwords, then, in a week, start back feeding, at 1/2 the str you r doing now.


Well-Known Member
You super stressed them, no nutes, no overwatering, (I.E.) misting plants.
Can you get your temp closer to 75 during lights on. P.h. is fine.
Take off all those dead leaves, just the dead one's. Then let her rest.


Well-Known Member
Any hints?? Lots of views and no opinions.
Theres your problem, once you flower keep flowering reverting back to veg can cause major stress on plants and weird growth, it can also take upwords to a month in a half for the plant to fully transfer back to veg.


Well-Known Member
looks like stress from going to flower, then back to 18/6, and i bet your nutes are burning the spots for you. you got a great nutritional soil, and feeding them too. flush again, this time, no feeding afterwords, then, in a week, start back feeding, at 1/2 the str you r doing now.
I was under the impression many did this to determine sex before wasting more than a month only to have them be DUDES. Personally they dont look like they have been getting enough nutes to me. Not a very lush green in the leaves more of a light green yellowish color. The soil alone couldn't possibly hold enough Nutes for the amount of time they have been in the soil.

You super stressed them, no nutes, no overwatering, (I.E.) misting plants.
Can you get your temp closer to 75 during lights on. P.h. is fine.
Take off all those dead leaves, just the dead one's. Then let her rest.
A light misting every couple days is NOT an overwatering problem. I keep up nicely with my watering, and only when they need it. Temps are as low as can be without A/C . Thanks for the advice!!

Theres your problem, once you flower keep flowering reverting back to veg can cause major stress on plants and weird growth, it can also take upwords to a month in a half for the plant to fully transfer back to veg.
Its been a month, they were only 6 inches tall when they went into flower. And it was only long enough to sex them not for them to go into full bloom.. They are close to 16 inches now. Still growing surprisingly good, thats why I dont understand the dying leaves. Seems like if they were so stressed they would stop growing. Wish me luck, say a prayer, Hopefully my ladies make it through


Well-Known Member
I was under the impression many did this to determine sex before wasting more than a month only to have them be DUDES. Personally they dont look like they have been getting enough nutes to me. Not a very lush green in the leaves more of a light green yellowish color. The soil alone couldn't possibly hold enough Nutes for the amount of time they have been in the soil.

A light misting every couple days is NOT an overwatering problem. I keep up nicely with my watering, and only when they need it. Temps are as low as can be without A/C . Thanks for the advice!!

Its been a month, they were only 6 inches tall when they went into flower. And it was only long enough to sex them not for them to go into full bloom.. They are close to 16 inches now. Still growing surprisingly good, thats why I dont understand the dying leaves. Seems like if they were so stressed they would stop growing. Wish me luck, say a prayer, Hopefully my ladies make it through
if stress wasnt the problem, then you probly lucked out because that can really fuck up plants. Your problem is one of three things either your under or over nuteing or bad pH.


Active Member
you take a clone off and flower it not the whole plant
Make sure your water is not cold it has to be 18-22 celsious try flushing them with ph balanced water real good wait couple days the give them a moderate feeding the brown/yellow leaves will never recover monitor the new growth that will be your indication if you are back on track


Well-Known Member
when did we start taking the whole flower to sex it and put it back in veg, it can be done but just added shock to a plant


Well-Known Member
Unless you buy feminized seeds, your bound to get males. You gotta except it, and either throw em away or make hash.


Well-Known Member
r u sprayin ur plant with water? that might b a burn from that or its ur ph level bro..maybe even to much water and nutrients. U gotta make ur plant and the roots work often do u water ur plants? u should probably b watering them once every 2-3 days and no nutrients for now just get ur ph level at a 6.8