Need Pointers


Active Member
Hi, new on here and got afew questions.

I'm a parapelgic medical user and now that I can't get my medicene from BM or BB I've decided to try and grow my own. I've a tall 6ft Wardrobe that is a foot wide and 3 ft deep. Could I grow a plant in such a small space? I've heard there are plants that grow wide and plants that grown tall. What strains grow tall? Is oxagen required and if so whats the best method of suppling it to a plant? Finaly, what are the best type of lights. I've reflective paper, squirrel fan and food, all i need are my questions anwsered. Can anyone help please?



Well-Known Member
I am a new grower myself, but i do know that you could grow in that space only if you are growing one or two plants. with that space you can use 40 watt cfl's. You would probably need 3 48" double tube floresent shop lights on the three walls around the plant(s) and one shorter floresent to cover the top of the plant. Remember that the space is 3' deep, so youll need a 3' or 2' cfl to cover the tops. You dont need oxygen as long as fresh air is getting in the area and you use your squirrel fan to exhuast air out. You are going to need co2 and a oscilating fan. The fan is promote cellulose in the leaves. For the co2 you can buy that new co2 boost, it should work it cost about $140.