Need nutes soon

So I'm about 3 weeks from seed and I'm going to go 12/12 soon and need some nutes. Whats the best nutes I can buy at like Homedepot, Lowes, Walmart, ect... organic or non dosen't matter. Also I need a light timer, were could I get a cheap 1 of those? Like $15 and under.

Mother's Finest

Well-Known Member
Potassium is usually the primary flowering nutrient and good sources of it can be hard to find. This is what we use: If it's all you can get, Muriate of Potash is a chemical source of K that can be found at some dept stores. I believe the typical brand name is Hi-Yield and comes in a yellowish bag.

You'll also need a good source of Phosphorus, the secondary and sometimes primary flowering nutrient. We're not sure what a dept store source of it would be, but good organic sources include Bone Meal and many Guanos.

Snow Crash

Well-Known Member
Here's what you should do.

Get yourself a small air pump and air stone and a 5 gallon bucket. Take an old T-shirt and tie it up so it looks like a bag.

Then go to a plant nursery, or some plant centers, and get yourself some worm castings and some straight up "organic compost." If you can track down some soluble sea kelp in the garden center and maybe some unsulfured blackstrap molasses at the health food store you are set.

Fill the shirt about 1/2 way with a combination of the compost and the worm castings. Let it sit in the bucket full of water with the air stone going. Every few hours lift the bag up and down like you would a tea bag. After 2 days or so add some molasses and kelp, give it a good stir, and feed those plants. They will trip out on that delicious organic tea.

If you need some cal-mag add a little crushed dolomite lime to the compost mixture and/or top dress the media with it.

Superthrive is a good addition too. You'd only need a drop or two in the bucket to see benefits.

Air pump, tubing, air stone, bucket, compost, worm castings, molasses. $45. Sea Kelp, SuperThrive. $25.