Need Miracle grow and nutrient help!!!!


Active Member
Okay so i have 2 plants in my closet the bigger one is 2 months and 2 weeks and the smaller one is a month they both are under 132 watts of CFL's and have a fan blowing on them at all times except when lights are off and they both are in MG dirt.
My questions are:
1. WTF is wrong with my plant?
2. what can i do t help it? 2012-10-08_21-09-27_668.jpg2012-10-08_21-09-14_142.jpg2012-10-08_21-08-59_835.jpg2012-10-08_21-08-54_753.jpg2012-10-08_14-34-32_884.jpg


Well-Known Member
is it MG potting mix or potting soil? cause it looks like you got the stuff you add to your flower garden....


Well-Known Member
Whats your PH?
Have you been adding extra nutes?
How often do you water?

It's looks like PH lockout IMO.


Active Member
i dont know what MG it is i just got it from a friend but no i havent added any nutes, and i water with bottled water every 3-5 days


Well-Known Member
Dude you've got a lot of reading to do.

Google Jorge Cervantes and Ed Rosenthal... Read their books.

We can't help you if you can't answer our questions. So try the best you can to answer them.

You either have PH Lockout or nute burn. It could be over/under watering but 3-5 days between watering sounds about right to me.

Check your PH you want it around 6.5. Your run off shouldn't be higher then 6.8-7.0. Test the runnoff with a PH meter.
Make sure you PH your water to 6.5 before you water. Bottled water can still have high or low ph it's not always 7.0 "nuteral".
When you water is your soil dry? Stick your finger into the dirt and see if it's dry before watering or weigh it before and after watering so you can see how much it is drinking.


Well-Known Member
I dont know if it will help but at this point it dont matter much.. If it were my plants I would get some potting soil that has no nutes, also some perlite. mix it about 40% perlite and 60% potting soil. get a little bigger pot, water the soil mix till its good and moist but not drenched. stick your finger in the new pot making a hole big enough to hold the plant and roots. carefully turn over the pot the plant is in, squeeze the cup a little so the whole ball a dirt comes out. let as much dirt fall off as possible without damaging the roots. carefully put the plant in the hole you made and gently push dirt down from the sides of the pot so that the roots are surrounded by dirt but not smashed. dont water until the pot feels light and no nutes until you see some growth. good lock