Need info for growing in Seattle


Well-Known Member
Hello there everyone.

I just moved to Seattle recently (from the southern United States/overseas), and I tend to more of an outdoor grower. There's just something I like more about being outside in the sunshine with a shovel and getting all dirty.

Anywho, because I live in Seattle now, and the climate is radically different, I don't have a clue what strains of cannabis I can grow here.

I've done some researching, but I can't seem to find any kind of reliable info.

The climate is like so (for those who aren't familiar with Seattle):

Very damp. Lots of rain for most of the year, but the summer months don't get a LOT of rain, but plenty of rain for most people to keep an umbrella by the door year round.

During the growing season (April-October, like many plants), the temp rarely dips below about 50F (10C) at night, and never peaks above about 95F (35C) during the day.

A lot like weather in the UK, I'd imagine. So maybe a plant that would do well there.

Oh, and I am currently without a vehicle, and I rely heavily on public transport (but I've got friends with cars who will help me haul supplies, and help bring back the harvest for a little "tip"), so I've got to remain close-ish to the city.

Which means, I hate this, someone might be walking around in the woods, or a field, or wherever it is I decide to plant it, and stumble upon it. This means it can't (well, shouldn't, anyways) be a plant that gets excessively large. It's got to be able to blend in with surrounding vegetation (there's lots of bamboos and similar looking plants around here). But shrubbery and such only get so tall, so this cannabis has to be able to blend in nicely.

If anyone here can help me at all (or hell, even lives anywhere in the area and can help), I'd be most pleased. And I'd even be able to make it worth your while, if everything runs successfully.

And anyone who DOESN'T live here should visit August 16-17, for Hempfest. I hear it's a pretty sweet deal. Maybe have a rollitup gathering or something. ;-)

So, that's it. Just looking for some help. Any help or good info is much appreciated.

Thanks a bundle!