need ideas for aeroponics drain cover


Well-Known Member
Can plant roots grow through window screen? I Made an aeroponics unit that has a seperate res.The misting unit (tough box from HD) has 22 cites and sits on another rubbermade (so it is higher then res)with a bulk head in the back right bottom corner.It is hard plummed down into the res..well the roots are heading that way and was wondering if i could buy some window screen and section off the WHOLE back corner. Will the roots just grow right through the screen? it safe to use? there a certain kind or size(holes) i should get....

Just need some good guidance before i go wingin something..



Well-Known Member
can you post a pic of your root situation, sounds confusing.

I wold not use a metal screen and the roots might grow though it.


Well-Known Member
wife has the camera at her dads bd party...yeah i figured no metal gonna take a trip to the store..smoke a fatty on the way (as usual) and wonder around aimlessly ...i will see what i come up with...i will repost with some pics later...thanks for the help...


Well-Known Member
wife has the camera at her dads bd party...yeah im gonna take a trip to the store..smoke a fatty on the way (as usual) and wonder around aimlessly ...i will see what i come up with...
I like your style dude
I'd say a window screen is small enough that the roots won't get through. We just made a new screen for our window with vinyl screening, I bet that'd work.