Need Help!

hi, i just got my clone 3 days ago and this is my first grow.
I was going to put the lights on today but i don`t know if she is strong enought. i transplanted her 3 days ago.
i don`t know why, the leaves seems to be drooping down and her color is not good.

i use fox farm soil.

foto1.jpg foto2.jpg


Well-Known Member
Did you get the clone at a dispensary? Was it well rooted? What soil are you using? And how much watering have you been doing?

I see a bit of a calcium issue and some nute burn as well.


Well-Known Member
That is what I thought...pretty hot soil for a clone. From a dispensary you can be reasonably sure it was well rooted. The plant is suffering from shock...transplant into fresh soil and nute burn. Did you amend the soil with perlite and/or lime?
That is what I thought...pretty hot soil for a clone. From a dispensary you can be reasonably sure it was well rooted. The plant is suffering from shock...transplant into fresh soil and nute burn. Did you amend the soil with perlite and/or lime?
How much water did you give her?
watered her 2 times in 4 days

I didn`t use any other things in the soil.. how can i solve these problems?
Thanks again for the help

Dear ol" Thankful Grower!

Well-Known Member
what size pot is that? it may been overwatered which would also cause the look of a deficiency in larger pots you want to gradually give a lil more ever time you water cannabis must be watered well once then dry completely then watered and dried out so forth and so on fox farm is usually what alot of clone dispensaries come in what is your setup? also if you buy dispensary clones you dont have to water as soon as you transplant because the people there already do give her some vit-b1, or mykos or even some voodoo juice should help the plant bounce back for now just let it dry out and you will see she will bounce back only patience hopefully you didnt tear any roots then that would be a problem
what size pot is that? it may been overwatered which would also cause the look of a deficiency in larger pots you want to gradually give a lil more ever time you water cannabis must be watered well once then dry completely then watered and dried out so forth and so on fox farm is usually what alot of clone dispensaries come in what is your setup? also if you buy dispensary clones you dont have to water as soon as you transplant because the people there already do give her some vit-b1, or mykos or even some voodoo juice should help the plant bounce back for now just let it dry out and you will see she will bounce back only patience hopefully you didnt tear any roots then that would be a problem
3 gallons

no way it could be underwatering?

cat of curiosity

Well-Known Member
yes! it`s foxfarm ocean forest. i`m very confused rn, cause some people told me it could be overwater
some people don't read. you said you watered 2 times with a 16oz cup. that's nowhere near enough water to wet the soil. in your pictures i can see that there is a wet spot surrounding the stem, but the outer soil against the pot is bone dry.

saturate soil when watering. you should have a good amount of runoff. then, allow the soil to dry until the pot feels light or the plants start to wilt, then saturate again.

i pay attention to details, and i read. see my sig. the wilt is from not watering. the yellowing is from the cutting taking root (the only yellow is on the cut leaves, which always happens when you clone).

so, to be blunt;

water it.
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cat of curiosity

Well-Known Member
you might experience stunted growth and some burning with the ocean forest. as was mentioned above, that stuff is pretty potent, and not great for establishing new roots. watering thoroughly will help, it will leach a lot of the chemicals out, and help balance the medium. when i water my soil plants, i fill a 5g bucket halfway, and submerge the pot. it bubbles for a few minutes, then stops, and then i lift it and let it drain. this removes excess salt and chems, and replenishes the oxygen in the soil, and allows even peat based soils to saturate, cutting down on the need to water. consider it like a naturistic flood and drain...

there's a lot of good info here, but i suggest you dig into a few other sources for basic information. try good basic info there, easy to comprehend. peace buddy, and good luck!
you might experience stunted growth and some burning with the ocean forest. as was mentioned above, that stuff is pretty potent, and not great for establishing new roots. watering thoroughly will help, it will leach a lot of the chemicals out, and help balance the medium. when i water my soil plants, i fill a 5g bucket halfway, and submerge the pot. it bubbles for a few minutes, then stops, and then i lift it and let it drain. this removes excess salt and chems, and replenishes the oxygen in the soil, and allows even peat based soils to saturate, cutting down on the need to water. consider it like a naturistic flood and drain...

there's a lot of good info here, but i suggest you dig into a few other sources for basic information. try good basic info there, easy to comprehend. peace buddy, and good luck!
thanks for all the help, i red that too much wind can hurt the plant too, do you think this could be happening too? here is all my room setup: