Need Help with new Sealed Perpetual Grow


Active Member
Hey everyone! Long time lurker, first time poster here.

I am in need of some expert advice on setting up my new room. I want to go sealed for multiple reasons, stealth/security are my main priorities. Also, the room will be going in an unfinished basement that does not have windows or the option to intake/exhaust properly. With that being said, I want to clear up some questions before I jump into this project.

There is a large roughly 20x20 room that is dry walled and doored off from the rest of my basement that I am going to dedicate as my grow space . I want to build a separate flower room and veg room within this larger room in order to keep a perpetual harvest going. The main question I am having is how to go about setting up a mini split to keep everything climate controlled. Would it be best to buy a dual zone mini split, one zone in flower room and one zone in veg room? I realize that if I completely seal the veg room as well, I will have to supplement both rooms with CO2. Having a separate CO2 set-up for veg will probably be overkill but with not having an intake/exhaust option and trying to maintain stealth/security I'm not sure of a better option.

chuck estevez

Well-Known Member
just build a small veg room with a intake and exhaust to/from the flower room, you may have to build the vents with turns so they don't pass light, but the constant circulation would supply both rooms with c02


Well-Known Member
Two zones will give you better control of each area, you can be sure the temperature is perfect is perfect. you can also control the humidity easier in each area since they are separated. If you have the budget, go for it! you would also need two c02 controllers.


Active Member
Thank you both for the prompt responses. If I were to get 2 zones to control temps/humidity precisely in each room, would I still be able to exhaust/intake between both rooms to circulate CO2 ( only having to get one generator for flower room) or would it be best to go all out and get a separate CO2 system for each room?


Well-Known Member
Thank you both for the prompt responses. If I were to get 2 zones to control temps/humidity precisely in each room, would I still be able to exhaust/intake between both rooms to circulate CO2 ( only having to get one generator for flower room) or would it be best to go all out and get a separate CO2 system for each room?
A single co2 controller will work ok but you may have harder time making sure the room without the controller is ok. Maybe it is best to have a single zone and get a model that will let you can add additional zone later if necessary.

chuck estevez

Well-Known Member
Thank you both for the prompt responses. If I were to get 2 zones to control temps/humidity precisely in each room, would I still be able to exhaust/intake between both rooms to circulate CO2 ( only having to get one generator for flower room) or would it be best to go all out and get a separate CO2 system for each room?
if you got the $$, controlling both would be ideal